BOTB Questions – Restart by Gordon Korman
IWB is there an “apex predator”? Restart by Gordon Korman, p. 30
IWB does someone get out of trouble by claiming something was done for a school project? Restart by Gordon Korman, p. 50
IWB is William Shakespeare mentioned in the same sentence as Mickey Mouse? Restart by Gordon Korman, p. 55
Chapter 1: Chase Ambrose
How does Chase describe his mom’s glasses? Dark rimmed, p. 2
What does Chase ask for after waking up? A mirror, p. 3
From where did Chase fall? The roof of his house, p. 4
What is the first memory Chase can recall? A little girl dressed up, p. 6
Who is Helene? Johnny and Chase’s half sister, p. 6
What is the diagnosis of Chase’s full body ache? Muscular or normal, p. 7
Which football position had Chase played? Running back, p. 8
Who says, “Ants at a picnic, that’s what you are”? Chase’s dad, Frank, p. 9
What does Chase notice about his bedroom door? There’s a crack down the centre panel, p. 10
How does Chase’s mom explain the damage to his bedroom door? Chase and his friends use to play sports in the house, p. 10
What is Chase holding in the selfie on his phone? A baseball bat used for bashing pumpkins, p. 12
Chapter 2: Shoshanna Weber
Who is blamed for Joel attending Melton school? Chase and his friends who bullied him, p. 14-15
What type of school is Melton? It is an Arts boarding school, p. ?
Who is the principal (of Melton school)? Dr. Fitzwallace, p. 15
What nickname is given to Chase by Joel? Alpha Rat, p. 13
Why do Chase, Aaron, and Bear have to do community service? They destroyed a piano with a cherry bomb, p. 16
Who is Joel’s twin? Shoshanna, p. 17
Where do Shoshanna and her dad go for Frozen Yogurt? Heaven on Ice, p. 17
How does Shoshanna react when Chase smiles at them at the Frozen Yogurt place? She yells in his face and dumps his vanilla yogurt on Chase’s head, p. 19
Chapter 3: Chase
How do Bear and Aaron react to Chase’s amnesia at first? They think he’s joking, p. 24
When does Chase realize why his Dad calls him Champ? When he sees the framed pictures near the principal’s office, p. 26
Chapter 4: Brendan E.
What nickname belongs to Jordan McDaniel? Clumsius Falldownus, p. 28
What surprised Brendan in the cafeteria? Chase comes to his table, p. 29
Who is the apex predator? Chase Ambrose, p. 30
How does Brendan help Chase with his meal? Cuts up his chicken, p. 31
What does Brendan notice about his video camera after Chase goes to sit with the football crowd? The camera was still recording audio, p. 32
Chapter 5
When Helene falls from the play structure, what happens? Chase catches her and Helene screams, p. 34
Who does Chase notice are “kings of the school”? Hiawassee Hurricanes, p. 36
What are the names of Chase’s football friends? Aaron and Bear, p. 37
How does the girl whose cart of books crashed into the wall react to Chase’s help? She squeals, “Don’t” and runs away, p. 38
Where do Aaron and Bear have to do community service? Graybeard motel, p. 38
Who does Chase think he can’t trust to tell the truth about his past? His mom, p. 40
Who says, “They were firecrackers, not grenades”? Chase, p. 42
Chapter 6
What excuse had Brendan’s friends given for not helping him with his video? Dentist appointments, p. 44
Who does Brendan recruit to help with his video instead? Chase, p. 46
What is the name of the car wash? The Shiny Bumper, p. 50
Who is blamed for the tricycle in car wash prank? Chase Ambrose, p. 49
How does Brendan keep out of trouble, despite taking responsibility for the idea? He says he did it as a school video project and offers an ad in the yearbook, p. 50
What part of the soundtrack to the carwash video had Brendan been unaware of? His own whimpering, p. 51
What is like inviting a shark over for sushi? Inviting Chase to join video club, p. 53
Chapter 7 (and 8?)
Who is the staff rep for the video club? Ms. DeLeo, p. 54
What is the topic for this year’s National Video Journalism Contest? Senior Citizen profile, p. 57
What does Ms. DeLeo suggest Chase do for the video yearbook? Cover sports, p. 58
What is Joel’s texting handle? JWPianoMan, p. 59
Who does JWPianoMan call morons? HMS kids, p. 61
Who says, “I never miss a game”? Chase’s Dad, p. 63
What is Helene doing on the bleachers? Playing with dolls OR with Barbies, p. 63
How does Chase’s Dad react to him and a video camera? Thinks he should be playing football, not filming it, p. 65
Which memory comes back to Chase at the football game? Ripping the head off of Helene’s teddy bear, p. 66
Chapter 9
Who joins Chase in the locker room after the scrimmage? Hugo, p. 69
What are the boys asked to do by Nurse Duncan? Go around with the snack cart, p. 72
What non-food item is on the snack cart? Newspapers, p. 73
What nickname does Aaron and Bear give to the elderly man/men? Dumbledore, p. 73
What is the soldier receiving in the black and white photo? President’s Medal of Honor, p. 75
What does Cloud Ten give to Chase? A $20 tip, p. 76
How does Chase try to make it right? Slips $20 under her door, p. 79
How does Mr. Solway end conversation with Chase? Closes the door of his room, p. 80
Chapter 10 (and 11?)
Who has had a crush on Chase since 6th grade? Kimberly, p. 82
What does Kimberly ask Chase to call her? Kimmy, p. 86
Why are Aaron and Bear reluctant to ask Chase for “something important”? He might turn them in, p. 89
What does Aaron say is annoying about Mr. Solway? He complains about squeaky wheelchairs OR he yells out spoilers on Movie Nights, p. 91
Chapter 12
What does Chase remember about dropping off his brother at University? Thinking his brother was a wimp/baby, p. 92
What does Chase learn from Mrs. Kittredge? Plant care, p. 95
What has Mr. Solway lost? Medal of Honor, p. 95
Who says, “Sometimes a whack on the head is exactly what a fellow needs”? Mr. Solway, p. 96
Who doesn’t know a camera from a kumquat? Kimmy, p. 99
Whose cheeks darken through pink and red to full crimson? Shoshanna’s, p. 101
Chapter 13 (and 14?)
Who is Chase’s biggest fan, according to Shoshanna? Brendan, p. 102
What does Chase snag for Mr. Solway? A prune danish, p. 106
Who does Chase’s dad want to get a second opinion from? Dr. Ngyen, p. 110
Who does Chase describe as “a kind of butterfingers”? Aaron, p. 112
Who is a “natural interviewer”? Shoshanna, p. 113
What does Aaron say the Webers hate? “Our guts”, p. 115
What statue is in Mr. Solway’s closet? A garden gnome, p. 117
What kind of trophies are in Mr. Solway’s closet? Bowling, p. 117
Where does Shoshanna find the box containing Mr. Solway’s medal? Behind a golf bag in the closet, p. 119
When has Mr. Solway last worn his medal? Never, p. 119
Chapter 15
Who is “practically drooling” over Chase? Kimberly, p. 122
What does Brendan wear in his rollerblading video? A morph suit, p. 124
What does Brendan want to be called? Leaf Man, p. 126
What makes the Leaf Man video fail? Dogs come lick syrup, p. 127
Chapter 16
Who was one of the dogs that licked Leaf Man? Mitzi, p. 128
What is the embarrassment of Chase’s face compared to? A mature eggplant, p. 131
What foot condition does Mr. Solway refuse to take pills for? Gout, p. 131
What makes Mrs. Weber so upset at Heaven on Ice? Seeing Shoshanna with Chase, p. 133
Chapter 17
Who whines in F sharp? Mitzi, p. 138
Where was the only place Joel had felt safe? At the piano, p. 139
How does Joel get his schedule for the return to Hiawassee? Printed it at home, p. 140
Chapter 18
How had Chase caused Brendan to need stitches? Shoved his head on drinking fountain, p. 147
Where does Chase go to hear Joel’s piano playing? Bushes, p. 149
Why is lunch so stressful for Chase? Alternate between video club and football team, p. 152
Chapter 19
What do Aaron and Bear plan to do at the assembly? Sleep, p. 155
What does the documentary say happened to the Medal of Honor? It got lost, p. 157
Chapter 20
What does not seem compatible between Brendan and Kimberly? Their sense of humour, p. 159
What did Brendan want to rent for his One Man Band video? A tuxedo, p. 160
How does B (Brendan?) darken his gray suit? With shoe polish, p. 160
Which song is the soundtrack (for the One Man Band video)? For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow, p. ?
What do Aaron and Bear do when crashing into the band room? Spray it with fire extinguishers, p. 163
Which instrument is the first one Aaron and Bear damage? French horn, p. 164
Why can’t Brendan move during the attack? He’s wrapped in a large tuba, p. 163, 165
Who helps Brendan out of the tuba? Kimberly, p. 167
Chapter 21
What is Aaron’s explanation for the music room incident? There was a fire and they tried to put it out, p. 170
What does Chase mumble in the principal’s office? Yeah, p. 171
What is Chase’s dad happy about when picking Chase up after the music room incident? That “you got away with it”, p. 172
Which word did not come up when Brendan and Mrs. DeLeo talked? Innocent, p. 173
What does Chase not see on Dr. Nguyen’s wall? A diploma, p. 175
Who “had the whole faculty wrapped around my little finger”? Chase’s dad, p. 177
What does Chase have in his throat when sad? A bowling ball, p. 173, 178
Chapter 22
What grade does Shoshanna give herself as a judge of character? F-minus, p. 179
To what reptile does Shoshanna compare Chase? A cobra, p. 182
Chapter 23
What happens when Chase tries to drink Gatorade? Teammates spill it, p. 184
Why do the teammates spill Chase’s drink? He’s on a non-contact week, p. 185
Who tackles Chase when he’s running 10 laps? Bear, p. 187
What do Aaron and Bear tell Chase he did at the Graybeard Motel? Stole Mr. Solway’s medal, p. 190
Chapter 24
Who does Brendan miss more than Kimberly at video club? Chase, p. 192
What does Brendan decide to film when video club is in decline? A slug, p. 194
What discovery does Brendan make when he starts (filming)? One Man Band is still on the camera, p. 195
Why can’t Brendan share the video evidence with the principal that there was no fire? It’s the weekend, p. 197
Chapter 25
Why does Chase go to Brendan’s house? He misses the video club part of his life, p. 201
Who is the girl in Chase’s first memory? A girl in a painting by Renoir, p. 202
Where does Chase find the medal? Under a loose wooden shingle (shake) of roof, p. 204
What had caused Chase to fall off his roof? The sight of his (chubby) neighbour doing yoga next door, p. 205
Who asks, “Do you have amnesia about the amnesia”? Chase’s mom, p. 206
What does Chase wrap the medal in? A soft dish towel, p. 206
Chapter 26
Who has a “piece of modern art” on their face? Joel, p. 207
What does Joel want to know at Brendan’s house? “What happened”, p. 210
Who doesn’t “hang out with pond scum”? Shoshanna, p. 213
Chapter 27
How does Chase get away from Aaron and Bear when they want the medal? He helps the woman with the card table, p. 216
How does Chase get the medal past Aaron and Bear? He vacuums it up, p. 217
Chapter 28
What does Mr. Solway think is happening in the hallway? Wheelchair Roller Derby, p. 221
Who had gone for help when Aaron and Bear attacked Chase? Joel, p. 222
What are Nurse Duncan’s last words? I’m calling the police, p. 224
Chapter 29
What does Chase think his sentence will be? Juvie, p. 226
Who is Chase’s biggest fan? His stepmom Corinne, p. 226
Who will accompany Chase for his hearing? Mom, Dad, Johnny and lawyer, p. 229
What is the lawyer’s name? Mr. Landau, p. 229
What is Mr. Landau betting everything on? Character witnesses, p. 229
What is the Judge’s name? Garfinkle, p. 230
What does Chase think when he sees so many people from Hiawassee at court? They’ve all come to see him get punished, p. 230
Who interrupts the judge’s verdict? Mr. Solway, p. 236
What does the judge say after Mr. Solway speaks? “I’m going to dismiss the charge”, p. 237
Chapter 30
What made Kimberly like Brendan? The way he tried to protect her in the brawl at Graybeard motel, p. 240
What does Brendan now realize is the best thing about video club? The people you discover along the way, p. 242
How did Brendan become part of a viral video? Kimmy used part and called it “Worst Tuba Fail Ever”, p. 243
How many views did the viral video get? 360, 000, p. ?