
For the joy of reading

Monday 10 February 2014

Lightning Practice Questions for Dancing Through the Snow by Jean Little

Chapter 1
Who is Min’s foster mother at the start of the book?  Enid Bangs
While Min sits on a bench, where is her foster mother?  In the bank (Royal Bank)
What is the weather while Min waits on the bench?  Cold, snowing
What figures are on the statue Min stares at?  Naked father, mother and baby
Why does Tobias call Min a hero?  She stops Grace from running into traffic
Where had Min been abandoned as a young child?  Washroom at CNE
Which of Min’s features gives her the most comfort?  Her long braid
What had Shirl done before abandoning Min?  Cut off her curls
Who is Min’s friend at the Children’s Aid office?  Mrs. Sybil Willis
What does Min’s foster mother call her?  Minerva

Chapter 2
Where did Min first meet Dr. Hart?  At hospital when Min had pneumonia
How did Min respond when Enid Bangs first hugged her?  Stood there stiffly
Why does Mrs. Bangs want to give Min back to Children’s Aid?  She thinks Min is heartless and sly
What does Min bring into the Children’s Aid office?  Her backpack
What does Min think of Christmas?  It is awful
Who “kidnaps” Min?  Dr. Hart
Who, according to Dr. Hart, are kindred spirits?  Dr. Hart and Min

Chapter 3
What does Dr. Jess describe as a “crass competition among neighbours”? Christmas lights and decorations
Who was Min’s first foster mom?  Robin Randall
What did Mrs. Willis give to Min on her 10th birthday?  The canvas running shoes she had been wearing the day she’d been abandoned.
What is the identity of Miss Maude Motley?  Dr. Jess’s cat
What is Dr. Jess’s ethnic heritage?  Mother was First Nations; father unknown
Who gave Maude to Dr. Jess?  Toby
Who is Toby’s godmother?  Dr. Jess
What does Min break on her first evening at Jess’s house?  A mug
What type of quilt does Dr. Jess put on Min’s bed?  Whispering Silk quilt
What do the first three books Dr. Jess lends Min have in common?  All about foster children

Chapter 4
What happened to Jess’s husband?  He was killed in Mozambique when his bus was bombed
Why do Jess and Min drive in the country?  To cut down a Christmas tree
Who are Toby’s parents?  Laura and Patrick
What type of work does Toby’s dad do?  Journalism
Why is Toby spending Christmas at Jess’s house?  His mom, stepdad and step sisters are visiting family in Saskatoon.
Who owns the land and trees in the country where Jess and Min go?  Mabel
Where does Min hear a cry for help?  Mabel’s rundown, abandoned barn/shed

Chapter 5
What annoys Jess about Mabel?  She talks too much
What sort of tree do Jess and Min select?  A white pine
What type of animal is crying for help?  A dog
Where do they take the animal?  Vet’s office (Jack)
Who convinces Jack not to put the poor creature to sleep?  Min
What is a puppy mill?  A place where dogs are bred to make maximum money and the animals’ care is neglected.
Why does Min dislike boys around her age?  Laird Bentham is a bully who calls her names
Who was Jess’s last foster child?  Toby

Chapter 6
What has Min always dislikes about Christmas?  It makes her feel like an outsider
What does Mrs. Willis always give Min for Christmas?  A book
Who are the Dittos?  Grace and Margaret (twin sisters of Toby)
Which book does Toby especially enjoy?  Jess’s dog book
What is eaten after decorating the tree?  Pizza
What does Jess mean by calling Ms. Willis a “brick”?  She is kind and concerned about Min
What does Toby call Min as a nickname?  Rapunzel or Rap
What does name does Min give the throw-away dog?  Emily (Lady Emily)
Which famous Emily wrote in a poem “I’m nobody, who are you?” Emily Dickinson

Chapter 7
When will they be able to take Emily home, according to Jess?  Not until after Christmas
What did the vet find in Emily’s flank?  A shotgun pellet
Where do they think Emily came from?  A puppy mill near Mabel’s house
While visiting Emily, what do Toby and Min agree to do?  Sneak out to the place in the country

Chapter 8
Who does Toby ask to give him and Min a ride into the country?  His cousin Martha
What does Min hang around her neck?  House key
How did Min respond when the bully told everyone she had been found in a dumpster?  She punched him in the face
What did Min used to do with crafts made at school for “parents”?  Threw them out
How is Min able to buy Christmas gifts?  Jess gives her $50 to spend
What does Min get for Toby?  A paperback dog book
Where does Min buy the other gifts?  At Trinkets and Treasures
What does Min buy herself at the store?  Drawing paper and pencil crayons
For whom does Min make a gift with her new purchase?  Jess

Chapter 9
What did Min give Mrs. Willis for Christmas?  A wooden angel
What is Min’s gift from Jess? A puppy
What type of dog does Jack think Emily is?  A Tibetan Spaniel
What does she name the puppy?  Cassie
What was in the toe of Min’s stocking?  A digital watch
What scent are the candles Min gives to Jess?  Honey
What title is given to the drawing for Jess?  “A Tree for Jess”

Chapter 10
Which song did Jess sing as a church solo at age 9?  A Huron Carol
What event do Jess and the others hear on the news on Boxing Day?  A tsunami in Asia
Who do they know who was in danger because of this tidal wave?  Toby’s father
Who calls Toby at 4 AM with news?  Mark Jenning’s (his dad’s boss)
Why does Patrick not come home?  He’s staying to cover the story for the newspaper, the CBC and is helping out.

Chapter 11
Where do Jess and the kids go to donate?  Red Cross
According to Jack, how old is Emily?  Three years old
When they bring Emily home, what is her remaining injury?  A sore paw
Where does Emily go as soon as she gets to the house?  Behind Jess’s big chair
Who does Jess compare Emily to?  Min at Robin Randall’s house
Who makes the first “breakthrough” with Emily?  The puppy Cassie
What is Toby’s theory as to shy Emily struggles when lifted up?  Someone may have dropped her before

Chapter 12
How do Toby and Min get back out to Mabel’s place and the puppy mill?  Martha takes them
What do Toby and Min says they will do at Mabel’s place?  Go tobogganing.
What does Min ask for when they arrive at the dog farm?  A drink
Who do Min and Toby see at the dog farm?  A man named Roy and a woman
Who lives at the cottage Min and Toby stop at?  Miss Hazlitt
What is the woman’s predicament when they arrive at her cottage?  She is stranded on her kitchen counter because her stepladder had fallen over
How does Miss Hazlitt know Jess?  She was Jess’s Sunday School teacher
What is Miss Hazlitt’s dog called?  Daisy
What took Daisy from Miss Hazlitt’s cottage?  A coyote
How long was Daisy at the cottage?  Two weeks
What was “English tea” like at Miss Hazlitt’s home?  A large, delicious meal
What bothers Toby and Min about the story of Daisy?  They know Daisy is Emily

Chapter 13
What does Min clutch when she is feeling scared or unsure?  Her braid
Which literary foundling does Toby compare Min to?  Oliver Twist
What did Jess’s grandfather give her mom in exchange for Jess?  A case of beer
What board game does Min learn at Jess’s house?  Crokinole

Chapter 14
What is the new school’s name?  Victory
What new name does Jess suggest Min used at her new school?  Jessamyn
In which subject does Min get an A+?  Art
Who shows Min around the school on her first day?  Penny
Which person from her “old life” does Min see at her new school?  Laird Bentham
What lie does Min tell her new friends?  That Jess has adopted her
What type of fundraiser does Min suggest for the tsunami victims?  A concert of songs for children
Who will sing a duet with Min?  Penny
What duet do they sing?  Where is Love
In the recurring nightmare, where is Min locked?  In a dark closet
Who abused Jess when she was young?  Her uncle
Why was Roy arrested when the police went to his farm?  He threatened an officer with his shotgun
Besdies Roy, who worked at the kennel?  His sister and her friend
Who draws the poster for the benefit concert?  Min
What is the name of the concert” Rock-a-Bye, Baby

Chapter 15
What assignement does the substitute teacher give for creative writing?  An autobiography
How does Min avoid this assignment?  Pretends to be sick for a week of school
Why does Min think Shirl cut off her hair before abandoning her?  To disguise her and protect her from Bruno

Chapter 16
Who organizes a Bully Run?  Penny
How does the bully respond to the Bully Run?  He flees with a red and tearful face

Chapter 17
When is the date of the benefit concert?  Valentine’s Day (a Monday)
How much money is raised (not including the matching grant by a parent)?  Over $900

Chapter 18
How old are Toby’s twin sisters on their March birthday?  Five
What is the theme of the birthday party?  Year of the Horse (Chinese zodiac)
Why does Laura think Jess has taken Min in?  For household help
What does Jess ask Min to do that she resists while Laura is over?  Cleaning up the dishes

Chapter 19
How does Emily respond when seeing Miss Hazlitt?  Excited
What does Min make out of paper for the first time on a snowy day in April?  A snowflake
What does Toby teach Min to make out of paper?  A row of joined children
What does Jess want to do for Min?  Adopt her
What will Min’s new name be?  Jessamyn Randall Hart
What does Min do in response to Jess’s proposal?  Cuts off her braid and gives it to Mrs. Willis

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