
For the joy of reading

Monday, 20 February 2017

Practice Questions for Hope Was Here by Joan Bauer

Practice Questions for Hope was Here by Joan Bauer
(Developed by Deborah M.)

Chapter 1
1.       How does Hope get the job at the Rainbow Diner? Bambi Barnes was just fired, and she was asked if she’d take her job (pg. 1)
2.       What was the biggest birthday present Hope has ever gotten?  The waitressing job (pg. 2)
3.       What does Hope write whenever she leaves a place? Hope was here (pg. 3)
4.       Who are Hope’s best friends? Miriam Lahey and Harrison (pg. 4 and 10)
5.       What did Miriam give to Hope as a goodbye present?  A New York forever T-shirt (pg. 4)
6.       Who has Hope seen only 3 times since she was born?  Her birth mother, Deena (pg. 5)
7.       What did her mother always talk about when she visited?  Being a waitress (pg. 5)
8.       What was Hope’s name given to her by her mother? Tulip (pg. 6)
Chapter 2
1.       Why does Hope keep her scrapbooks?  In case she ever meets her father (pg. 9)
2.       What does Harrison give Hope as a goodbye present? A small glass prism that catches the sunlight (pg. 10)
3.       Where did Hope say that she’ll never get her haircut at? Slick’s Barber Shop (pg. 14)
Chapter 3
1.       What does Addie say about the dessert case in the new diner?  It’s unacceptable, small, puny (pg. 17)
2.       What kind of dressing does Addie mention that causes a misunderstanding? Russian (pg. 18-19)
3.       Why did Addie ask for coffee, when she never drinks it at night? To get Yuri from that table where people were making fun of him (pg. 20)
Chapter 4
1.       What is ‘a short stack’?  A small order of pancakes (pg. 23)
2.       What does Addie always wear, that G. T. Stoop doesn’t? An apron (pg. 26)
3.       Who says, “I’m pretty adaptable”? Hope (pg. 25)
4.       Who is very optimistic and says, “There’s benefits to everything”? G. T. (pg. 26)
5.       In what way did Addie examine a piece of blueberry coffee cake?  The way that a scientist studies a petri dish (pg. 27)
6.       Who is running for mayor in Mulhoney?  Eli Millstone (pg. 29)
7.       Who wasn’t clapping for the mayor?  Addie, Hope and Braverman (pg. 30)
8.       Who is the other candidate running for mayor? G. T. (pg. 31)
9.       How does G. T. say he’s going to pay for these improvements? Taxing the Real Fresh Dairy Company (pg. 33)
Chapter 5
1.       Why does Sheriff L. Greebs come into the diner?  He says there are too many people in the building/diner (pg. 37)
2.       What are the requirements for running for mayor in Mulhoney?  The person must be a resident, thirty years or older, and an American citizen (pg. 38)
3.       What does Hope persuade a man to buy after he ordered a black coffee and a BLT? A cheddar burger (with grilled onions and mushrooms) on pumpernickel and a chocolate malt (pg. 40-41)
4.       What makes Hope believe she should be able to vote? She can carry five full dinner plates on her left arm (pg. 42)
5.       What did Hope write telling about the absence of her mom in her life? A free verse poem (pg. 44)
Chapter 6
1.       What does one woman say her options on the ballot are between? A dying man and a crook (pg. 49)
2.       What did Hope say you could always buy in New York, but there’s none in Mulhoney?  Hot dogs from a street vendor (pg. 51)
3.       In Hope’s opinion, what is an amazing skill that Braverman has? Yo-yoing (pg. 53)
4.       Who reads “The Soap Opera Digest”? Lou Ellen (pg. 55)
5.       What gives Lou Ellen the creeps? Hearses (pg. 55)
Chapter 7
1.       What in Hope’s room is light yellow? The walls (pg. 57)
2.       What sport did Hope learn when she was eleven? Boxing (pg. 57)
3.       In Hope’s opinion, what is the best trait for a father to have? Steadfastness (pg. 59)
4.       Who is Edgar? Hope’s stuffed animal pelican (pg. 59)
5.       What book does Hope take out when she wakes up very early in the morning? Her Roget’s Thesaurus (pg. 60)
6.       What does Sid Vole, Adam’s uncle order at the diner? A farmer’s breakfast (pg. 62)
7.       What are huevos rancheros? Mexican eggs and tortillas with hot sauce (pg. 63)
8.       What does Yuri say is the best word? Freedom (pg. 64)
9.       Why isn’t Hope clapping for G. T. when everyone else is? Her hands are full from carrying dishes (pg. 67)
Chapter 8
1.       When did G. T. plant the dogwood tree? When his wife died (pg. 70)
2.       Why does G. T. plant these trees? He thinks they’ll be there for a while after he’s gone and they show all his fine memories (pg. 71)
3.       What’s wrong with Lou Ellen’s baby? She’s not eating right, and not gaining enough weight (pg. 73)
4.       How does Hope try to please the many people in the booths after she told Lou Ellen to go home? Asks who would like coffee (pg. 76)
Chapter 9
1.       What do the campaign buttons say? Stoop for Mayor (pg. 78)
2.       What makes the Election Board administrator give an extension for the petition? Pastor Hall told her that Jesus gives second chances (pg. 80)
3.       Who comes to the rescue when Hope called for help in the Farmer’s Market? Deputy Babcock and Addie (pg. 82)
4.       What does an old woman give to Hope at the Farmer’s Market? A daylily (pg. 83)
Chapter 10
1.       What is Lou Ellen’s baby’s name? Anastasia (pg. 86)
2.       What was Adam’s first-draft campaign slogan? Stoop for Mayor – A man for all seasons and all reasons (pg. 86)
3.       What did Hope write in calligraphy? A letter back to Miriam and Harrison (pg. 89)
4.       How was Braverman making his twin sisters laugh? He was juggling potatoes (pg. 90)
5.       What does Jillian believe will happen that Hope thinks is her major flaw? That Adam Pulver will become president someday (pg. 91)
6.       What is Hope’s Mom’s Number One Cardinal Rule of Waitress Survival? Never date the cook (pg. 94)
Chapter 11
1.       What is Addie complaining about in her Big-Hearted Stew? There’s too many onions (pg. 98)
2.       Who are the robberies that the happening targeting? People who signed G. T.’s petition or worked with the campaign (pg. 99)
3.       What do both Hope and Lou Ellen not have? Dads (pg. 102)
4.       What causes the loud scream in the diner? A woman found a dead mouse in her salad (pg. 104-105)
5.       Why were the couple hesitant to sign the paper the deputy gave them? Deputy Babcock wanted them to sign that they’d never seen this mouse before it was in the salad (pg. 106)
Chapter 12
1.       What does G. T. ask Hope to do when they are headed for a day of political campaigning? If she would be his right-handed person (pg. 108)
2.       Who said, “One person can make a difference, two can lift a burden and more than that can start a revolution”? G. T. (pg. 110)
3.       What does Hope eat at the Small Businessman’s Luncheon? Rubbery chicken in lukewarm white gravy (pg. 112)
Chapter 13
1.       When Hope comes back to the diner, what does she want Braverman to make her? A pork-chop sandwich (pg. 115)
2.       What does Hope buy for Braverman as opposed to flowers? A cactus (pg. 117)
3.       Why did she want to buy a cactus? She thought a cactus was more manly than flowers (pg. 117)
4.       What are Braverman’s twin sister’s names? Heidi and Hannah (pg. 118)
5.       What were the three guys wearing who beat Braverman up? Ski masks (pg. 119)
6.       What was the name of the article Braverman wrote for the Mulhoney Messenger? A Political Lesson (pg. 121)
7.       What of the mayor’s is worth nothing to Braverman? His word (pg. 122)
8.       After being beaten up, what does Braverman become a symbol of? Public outrage (pg. 123)
9.       What did G. T.’s doctor say to do until his whole blood count increased? Avoid most people (pg. 124)
10.   What is the oil painting of that G. T. and Hope are looking at? A little sailboat riding the waves of a choppy ocean (in a storm) (pg. 125)
11.   Who painted the picture? G. T.’s mother (pg. 125)
12.   For Hope, what is the worst thing that could ever happen? Losing G. T. (pg. 126)
Chapter 14
1.       What does Mr. Woldenburg always buy every Friday at the diner? Grilled American cheese on white (pg. 128)
2.       Why does Hope never refuse an interview? She hopes that her Dad will see her in the media and then come and find her (pg. 129)
3.       Who has decided to come up from St. Louis to see Hope? Deena, her mom (pg. 132)
4.       What did Hope take for granted before this campaign? What it means to be a citizen (pg. 134)
5.       Where does Braverman think that Hope should meet with her mom? Here at the diner (pg. 136)
Chapter 15
1.       What is the cook’s hello? Raising a spatula (pg. 138)
2.       What unfamiliar word that Hope says startles Deena? Mom (pg. 139)
3.       What does Braverman make Hope wear that makes everyone laugh? A red sponge clown nose (pg. 140)
4.       What does Hope start giving little kids to put on their noses? Maraschino cherries (pg. 142)
5.       What did Hope feel when Deena left? Sad and free (pg. 144)
Chapter 16
1.       What is Hope’s favourite food that Addie makes? Her meatloaf (pg. 145)
2.       What do the other waitresses (Lou Ellen and Flo) say about G. T.  and Addie? They’re made for each other (pg. 147)
3.       Where does Hope go to think? The supply closet (pg. 147)
4.       What word does Addie use to describe her night out with G. T.? Fine (pg. 149)
Chapter 17
1.       Who ignores a question and then changes the subject to hazelnut pound cakes? Addie (pg. 153)
2.       What would Hope rather be doing then being at school? Working full-time at the diner (pg. 154)
3.       What was the “kind of light that could open a daylily in the middle of a long, cold night”? G. T.’s face when he came back from the hospital and he was in remission
4.       What did Hope think her dad would be like? Fairly young and healthy and have a trench coat and thick hair (pg. 157)
5.       What is the big German celebration in Wisconsin that Hope and Braverman go to? Oktoberfest (pg. 158)
6.       What was close to the longest day of Hope’s life? Election Day (pg. 160)
Chapter 18
1.       What is like the power of loss when it first comes? A baseball coming fast from an out-of-control pitcher (pg. 162)
2.       Who’s name on the voting roster greatly surprised Hope? Her cranky customer, Mr. Woldenburg (pg. 164)
3.       What does Hope hide underneath her bed? Boxes of Macaroni and Cheese (pg. 164)
4.       Who has no time for kidding or voting? Mr. Woldenburg (pg. 165)
5.       What were the protesting teenagers singing outside the Town Hall? “We Shall Overcome” (pg. 166)
6.       What is G. T.’s full/real name? Gabriel Thomas Stoop
Chapter 19
1.       What was the first thing G. T. did as mayor? He appointed Brenda Babcock as the sheriff (pg. 169)
2.       What did G. T. threaten to do to Real Fresh Dairy if they didn’t pay their taxes? Take them to court (pg. 169)
3.       What recipe did Addie think of while on her honeymoon? Veal Shanks (pg. 171)
4.       What does G. T. do with two branches from two different trees? Grafts them together (pg. 173)
5.       What word in the dictionary does Hope say Mr. Webster didn’t get quite right? Father (pg. 175)
Chapter 20
1.       How did G. T.’s leukemia come back like? A huge wind toppling a small boat (pg. 177)
2.       One day what did Hope read to G. T.? The letter she wrote to Gleason Beal (pg. 178-179)
3.       What wouldn’t have happened if Gleason Beal hadn’t done what he did? Addie and Hope wouldn’t have come to Wisconsin and met G. T. (pg. 180)
Chapter 21
1.       What were there mounds of after G. T. passed away? Flowers (pg. 181)
2.       What does Hope have of her father’s? His eyes (pg. 183)
3.       What was different about when Hope wrote “Hope was Here” in Welcome Stairways? She would be coming back because this was her home (pg. 185)

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