
For the joy of reading

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Practice Questions for B for Buster by Iain Lawrence

Practice Questions for B for Buster by Iain Lawrence
In which book does someone make a tiny oxygen mask?  BFB by Iain Lawrence
IWB is chicken pie served to unsuspecting guests? 
IWB is someone nicknamed Shakespeare?
IWB is the CO (commanding officer) replaced?
IWB do people go to the “Merry Men”?
IWB is a plane also called a kite?
IWB is courage defined as going on in spite of fear?
IWB does a character think he’s the only one who is afraid?
IWB is a perfumed handkerchief highly valued?
IWB does someone pretend to be an orphan?

Where is the main character’s home town?  Kakabeka Falls, Ontario
Who is the caretaker of the pigeons?  Bert (or Dirty Bert)
What is Kak’s lucky charm?  Ray gun ring
What is Buzz’s good luck charm?  Four leaf clover
Why does Kak sign up for the army?  His father is an (abusive) alcoholic and he thinks it will be an adventure
What type of bomber is B for Buster?  A Halifax
What nickname is given to the Halifax aircraft?  Hallibags
Why is Kak shocked to meet Donny Lee?  He is from his hometown, but he looks really old
What appropriate expression does Ratty use?  “No lie”
What does Kak not want Donny Lee to reveal?  Kak’s true age
What had Buzz been before the war?  A railway worker
Who is the pilot?  Lofty
What does Buzz try to complete in his free time?  A crossword puzzle
What had Lofty been before the war?  A shoe salesman
What had Simon been before the war?  A Gardener
Where is Simon from?  Australia
What is Kak’s role on missions over Germany?  Wireless or radio operator
Who is Percy?  A homing pigeon
What is written on the ceiling of B for Buster?  A poem about flight
What is drawn on the ceiling of B for Buster?  A painting of a donkey kicking Hitler
What are erks?  The grounds crew
What is the importance of the number 30 in B for Buster?  The number of operations (ops) you fly/survive before you can go home
When did Bert quit flying?  After Operation 29
Why did Bert quit flying?  He saw that the targets were homes, not military targets
Why were homing pigeons set along on each flight?  In case something happened to the plane, it would bring a message back to headquarters
How could Kak get into the army if he was underage?  He stole his brother’s ID and says he’s an orphan
What is a sprog?  An inexperienced crewman
What does LMF stand for?  Lack of Moral Fibre (coward)
Which country do they fly over on a very dangerous mission?  Denmark
What is going to replace the pigeons?  Better radio communications
What is replacing the Halifaxes?  Lancaster bombers
What is a WAAF? A female who works for the army, in a desk job
Why does Fletcher-Dodge come to check on the pigeons?  To see if they are fat enough (to eat)
What replaced the pigeon pie that Fletcher-Dodge thought he was eating/serving?  Chicken pie
Where is Percy kept safe when he’s the only pigeon at the base?  In the sergeant’s mess (eating area)
What is sent out the bottom of a bomber plan to trick the German anti-aircraft guns?  Window
What had happened to the previous crew on B for Buster?  They all died
What does Kak see when he’s scared?  Ghosts
What is Lofty’s luck charm?  His pipe
 Why is B for Buster always “ON” (never gets a night off from flying an op)?  Because Kak asked the CO if he could quit
What happens to Kak after he bails out the the Lancaster in a parachute?  Ends up in a POW camp
Where do they first plan to take the pigeons for safe keeping?  Scotland
Where do they end up taking the pigeons?  London, Trafalgar Square
Who rides in the rear turret?  Ratty
Why do the crewmembers change their attitude towards the pigeons?  Percy led them home when they were lost
Who liberated the POW camp?  Americans
What is the “Holy City”?  Berlin
Who was really eager to see Berlin?  Ratty
Who does Will ask, “Why do we die”?  the Padre (pastor/chaplain)
Who is the poet?  Will (also nicknamed Shakespeare)
What signal do the Danish villages send to the planes?  V for Victory
Who says, “Boys, we’re flying into hell”? Will
Why do the pigeons have to stay in cages in London?  To get used to it being their new home.  If they let them go, they would otherwise fly right back to the base.
How does Kak get to the Merry Men?  Broken bicycle
What does E stand for?  Eagle
What would Bert rather do than let the pigeons be eaten?  Burn them
What is the expression for dying?  Gettting the chop
What does SHAZAM mean?  Solomon, Hercules, Achilles, Zeus, Atlas, Mercury (Greek gods)
Who does Fletcher-Dodge replace?  Uncle Joe
Who looks like a clown from the back?  Donny Lee (he has red hair)

After the war, where does Kak go?  Back to Canada

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