
For the joy of reading

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Practice Questions for Teacher's Funeral by Richard Peck

In which book is an intruder cut up with an axe?  Teacher’s Funeral [intruder is a snake in the henhouse]
In which book does a character dream of going to the Dakotas? TF
In which book is a dog known by his initials?  TF [JW (just Worthless)]
In which book is there an anonymous poet?  TF
In which book are marbles played with? TF
In which book does a bridge break? TF
In which book is an aunt and stepmother the same person? TF
In which book does an explosion burn away eyebrows? TF
In which book is a character “a southpaw for whupping”? TF
In which book do we hear the motto “No lickin’, no larnin’”?  TF
In which book are catalogues a source of maps?  TF
In which book does a student need to be recruited?  TF  [If there are fewer than eight, the school will close down]
In which book is there a butchering day? TF
In which book is the sentence “See the fat man” written? TF  [by Little Britches during inspection]
Teacher’s Funeral Lightning Questions
Chapter 1:
What is the teacher’s name?  Mrs. Arbuckle, p. 3
What month is it when she dies? August, p. 3
What’s the name of the narrator’s brother?  Lloyd, p. 3
What is one of Mrs. Arbuckle’s ailments?  One of arthritis in elbow, hard of hearing in one ear, p. 3-4
What is the school called?  Hominy Ridge School, p. 4
Where is this school located?  Backwoods of Indiana, p. 4
Which family member is on the school board?  The father, p. 4
Chapter 2:
What time do the boys learn of Mrs. Arbuckle’s death?  Around midnight, p. 6
What made a red-letter day?  The JI Case Company sent its special train through Indiana, p. 6
What kind of farm does Lloyd live on?  Corn, wheat, hay, hogs and milking, p. 7
How did they know for sure they would go to see the Case Special?  Dad was washing “his whole top half”, p. 8
What was different about the Case Special?  It had steel sides, p. 9
Where does the narrator dream of working?  In the Dakotas, on a threshing crew, p. 12
Chapter 3
What did the brothers always do after the Case Special came through?  Camp out by the crick, p. 13
Who are Siren and Senator?  Horses, p. 14
What was the story the narrator tells Lloyd during the campout?  About Old man Lichtenberger and medical students looking for bodies to unearth, p. 19-20
Who helped the narrator play a prank on Lloyd?  Charlie Parr, p. 20
What did they catch on their fishing line?  A snake, p. 22
What news did Charlie bring?  The death of Mrs. Arbuckle, p. 24
What prank did Charlie play on Russell and Lloyd?  Tansy dressed up as Miss Arbuckle’s ghost, p. 28
Chapter 4
Why did the boys sleep in the wagon?  They forgot to bring a rope for snake-proofing, p. 30
What happens when girls get mixed into things, according to the narrator?  You don’t know who your pals are, p. 30
What type of snake was in the henhouse?  Bull snake, p. 31
Why was it stuck?  It had eaten an egg whole, p. 31
Who did the town have to wait for before Mrs. Arbuckle’s funeral could be held?  Her brother from French Lick, p. 32
What extra thing did Tansy get the boys to do for the funeral?  Pick flowers, p. 33
Chapter 5
What is one feature that stands out about Miss Arbuckle?  Her nose, p. 34
What happened to their mother?  She died giving birth to Lloyd, p. 34
Who is Aunt Maud? Their mother’s sister and step-mother, p. 34
Does Aunt Maud live with them?  No she lives down the road, p. 34
What does the Pastor at the funeral start his sermon with?  Who remembers the old days, p. 37, 38, 39
How long had Miss Arbuckle taught at Hominy Ridge School?  22 years, p. 39
What was Miss Arbuckle’s motto?  “No lickin’, no larnin’”, p. 40
Who wrote a poem for the funeral?  The Sweet Singer of Sycamore Township, p. 42
What did Tansy do before they left the church?  She took the pointer out of her hand, p. 45
Chapter 6
What happened on their way home?  They were ditched, p.47
What happened to Aunt Maud?  She was thrown from the wagon, p. 29
What was the name of the man who had run them off the road?  Eugene Hammond, p. 49
What was the make of the car Eugene Hammond drove?  Bullet No.2 racing car
What was the make of the wagon?  Standard Wheel Company of Terre Haute, p. 50
What’s the connection between the Bullet No.2 racing car and the Standard Wheel Company?  The company is changing from making wagons to becoming Overland Automobile Company, p. 50
How did Tansy act towards Eugene Hammond?  She used fancy vocabulary and tried to look her best, p. 51
What was the history making event?  This is the first mishap between a horse drawn vehicle and an automobile in rural Parke Country in the 20th century, p. 52
What did Harve and Orv Ogilvy do when they saw the Bullet No.2?  Got out their shotgun and fired at it, p. 53
Who did Russell hear with the school board downstairs? Tansy, p. 56
Chapter 7
What was Tansy making for breakfast?  Fried cornmeal mush, p. 58
Who had the school board hired to replace Miss Arbuckle?  Tansy, p. 61
How much money would Tansy make per month?  $36, p. 61
What did they have to do at the school house?  Find out what needs to be done to get the school ready for the year, p. 62
What are 3 things that needed to be done?  Shingles coming off, ragweed over the yard, the post on the pony shed was sawed through, the door on the woodshed was missing a hinge, the rope was gone from the bell-tower, p. 64
How many students are expected to come to this school?  Six, p. 64
How many students are needed for the school board to keep the school open?  Eight, p.65
Who do they blame for the window light being broken out?  The Tarboxes, p. 67
What did Russell do to the school bell?  He stuffed it with a sheet from home, p. 69
Chapter 8
What was Russell & Charlie Parr’s plan to start out the school year?  Smoking a 3 inch length of buggy whip, p.73
What new thing did Tansy wear on the first day?  A new hat, p. 73
What did the pigs and Russell agree on?  They liked summer better than being penned up, p. 74
What happened with Pearl at the privy?  She began screeching at a little girl hiding in there, p. 76
What bell did Tansy ring to call everyone to class?  A cow bell, p. 76
What was Miss Tansy’s first rule?  No marble playing inside the school and no playing for keeps, p. 78
How many students were there on the first day?  Seven, p. 79
What was the little girl from the privy’s real name?  Beulah Bradley, p. 81
What subject did they begin with?  Spelling School, p. 82
Chapter 9
What ended the school day?  A privy fire, p. 87
How did the fire start?  From Russell and Charlie Parr dropping the smoldering buggy whip in the weeds, p. 88
Name three things Tansy pointed out about the fire:  The fire could have spread to Aunt Fanny Hamline’s orchard, the bell had been filled so they were unable to ring it for help, and the weeds hadn’t been scythed around the privies, p. 89-90
What restitution did Russell have to make (4 things)?  Split a winter’s worth of kindling and put up the school stove, lay the fire each morning and taken down & clean the stove pipe every 2 weeks, p. 91
Why did Lloyd miss Miss Myrt?  She only threatened in the daylight, p. 92
What headline was in the Parke County Courier?  FARM FAMILY IN NOVEL ACCIDENT – Modern Mishap at County Crossroads, p. 93
Who is behind the story?  Eugene Hammond, p. 95
Did Little Britches came back to school?  Yes, p. 95
What did Tansy want her pupils to rip out the Monkey Ward catalogue?  The map of the USA, p. 97
What was waiting for Russell when he returned home from school?  A pile of lumber, p.97
Chapter 10
What was the errand Russell had to join Tansy in?  Finding an 8th pupil, p. 98
Who were they going to recruit that 8th student from?  The Tarboxes, p. 98
Describe the Tarbox homestead (4 things):  Could smell it before you see it; broken implements all over the place; no door on the privy; the barn and house were in bad shape, p. 100, 101
Who did Tansy talk with?  Mrs. Tarbox, p. 101
Why didn’t Mrs. Tarbox want her children to read and cipher?  They would become smarter than her, p. 103
What did J.W. encounter on the way out from the Tarbox farm?  A porcupine, p. 104
Who helped J.W.?  Glenn Tarbox, p. 106
Where did they keep J.W. that night?  In the house, p. 107
Who came to class at school the next day? Glenn Tarbox, p. 109
Can Glenn read?  No, p. 111
Chapter 11
What was in the Parke County Courier?  A poem from the Sweet Singer of Sycamore Township about the auto accident, p. 113
Who mostly rebuilt the boy’s privy?  Glenn Tarbox, p. 114
What did Glenn come to school with?  A string of bullfrogs for eating, p. 114
How and where does Glenn get the frogs from?  From Aunt Fanny Hamline’s pond, with a slingshot, p. 115
What were in the 3 parcels the mailman brought to the school? 2 poster sized campaign portraits of the presidential contenders for the fall election and a package of notepads and pencils, p. 115
Who were they from?  The Overland Automobile Company, p. 116
What was in the teacher’s desk drawer?  A puff adder snake, p. 117
Who rescued Little Britches from the snake?  Glenn Tarbox, p. 117
How did Tansy save the day?  She used a presidential story with a garter snake, p. 119-121
What news did Lloyd share at home?  Tansy has a sweetheart – Eugene Hammond, p. 123
Chapter 12
What interrupted their school day?  The plank bridge had split under the weight if a real big, real old lady, p. 127
Who fell through the plank bridge?  Aunt Fanny Hamline, p. 127
Where did they get the rope from to pull out Aunt Fanny?  The school bell, p. 127, 128
Without whom would they never have been able to rescue Aunt Fanny?  The mailman, Mr. George Keating, p. 129
How did they get Aunt Fanny from the ditch?  They had to put a rope under Aunt Fanny, every child had to pull or push and use the mailman’s horse to pull her out, p. 128, 129
What did Aunt Fanny notice first about the school house?  It was missing the American flag, p. 130
What message did Aunt Fanny bring to the school?  Stay off her property, p. 131
What 2 things did Aunt Fanny warn not to touch?  The frogs and the apples, p. 131
Whose rifle did Aunt Fanny threaten to use?  Her husband’s, p. 133
What news did Charlie bring in before Aunt Fanny left?  The planks on the bridge had been sawn through, p. 133
Who hadn’t used the bridge that day?  Glenn Tarbox, p. 133
Chapter 13
What was the next parcel that came to the school?  A plaster bust of President Abraham Lincoln, p. 136
Whose rifle did Aunt Fanny threaten to use? Her husbands, p. 136
What was wedged in the bottom of the parcel?  A baseball, p. 137
What had they previously made baseballs from?  Pig leather stuffed with horse hair, p. 137
What was the result when Glenn threw a wild ball when playing catch with Charlie?  They had a fight, p. 138
What did Charlie accuse Glenn of?  Putting the puff adder in the desk and sawing the plank bridge, p. 139
Why did Charlie think Glenn would do that?  To be Tansy’s hero, p. 139
How did Russell’s dad convince him not to go to the Dakotas?  He took him into town himself, to the railroad track and talked to him about Charlie Parr being head over heels for Tansy, p. 144-6
Chapter 14
 What was the poem from the Sweet Singer called?  Ode to Autumn, p. 149-50
Years later, who did Russell take to the Dakotas?  His wife, p. 150
What did Glenn bring to school in a basket?  Peaches, p. 151
Who danced with Aunt Maud?  Eugene Hammond, p. 154
Which event did Eugene get invited to with the family?  Butchering day, p. 156
How did Eugene pass the “butchering day” test?  He killed the pig in one shot, pulled the pig sticker and bled the pig, p. 158
Chapter 15
Why did Russell think Eugene had been invited to butchering day?  To expose him as a tenderfoot, p. 162
What was dad’s real intention?  So Eugene could meet the neighbours in case Tansy was interested in him, p. 162
Who helped Russell put up the school stove?  Glenn Tarbox, p. 163
What did the letter to Tansy say?  The County Superintendent instructed her to do her examination the next day, p. 164
How would she be examined?  By testing her class, p. 165
Where does Glenn Tarbox move to?  Aunt Fanny Hamline’s’ tack room, p. 167
What was Russell to do before school started?  Clean out the stove pipe, p. 166
What disaster happened before school on fatal Friday?  Glenn and Russell tried to clean the stove pipe using gun powder, p. 169
What was the result?  Explosion blew the pipe down, door blew off and soot was everywhere, p. 169
What did Tansy accuse Russell of?  Intentionally ruining her chance of becoming a teacher, p. 170
Chapter 16
What happened by 9 am the day of the examination by the superintendent?  Everything in the school room was cleaned up, refitted and polished, p. 171
What did Glenn and Russell lose in the explosion?  Their eyebrows, p. 172
What surprise did Aunt Fanny give to the school?  An American flag, p. 173
What was Mr. Owen’s behavior towards Tansy?  He kept encouraging her whenever she said something, p. 175
What did Glenn show the superintendent?  A nest in the classroom (science) p. 181
What had Flopears mastered?  Art because his notebook was full of sketches, p. 183
What was the result of the examination?  Tansy passed, p. 184
Chapter 17
What year does the story take place?  1904, p. 185
Why had Tansy taken the teaching job?  So she could see Russell finish Grade 8, p. 185
What did she want Russell to do afterwards?  Attend High school and university, p. 186
Why did she want him to be educated?  To set an example for Lloyd, p. 187
What did Tansy herself never finish?  High school, p. 187
Who ends up being the sweet singer?  Aunt Maud, p. 189
Who marries Beulah?  Russell; who marries Pearl?  Charlie; who marries Tansy?  Glenn, p. 190.

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