
For the joy of reading

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Practice Questions for Holes by Louis Sachar

Practice Lightning Questions for Holes by Louis Sachar

Chapter 1
  1. In which U.S. State is Camp Green Lake?  Texas, p. 3
  2. What is the worst thing that can happen to a person at Camp GL?  Be bitten by a yellow spotted lizard, p. 4
Chapter 2
  1. What were the judge’s two choices for Stanley?  Jail or Camp Green Lake, p. 5
Chapter 3
  1. How often had Stanley promised to write his mom?  Once per week, p. 6
  2. What grew in the fields Stanley passed on the bus to Camp? Hay and cotton, p.6
  3. What did Stanley call his pretend camp when he was a youngster?  Camp Fun and Games, p. 7
  4. Why do kids tease Stanley?  He is overweight, p. 7
  5. Who does Stanley blame for his conviction?  His no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-grandfather, p. 7
  6. In the song, what does the woodpecker sigh?  If only, if only, p. 8
  7. What is the occupation of Stanley’s father?  Inventor, p. 8
  8. What # of Stanley Yelnats is the boy in the story? IV (fourth), p. 9
  9. What happened to the first Stanley Yelnats on his way from New York to California?  His stagecoach was robbed by Kissing Kate Barlow, p. 9
Chapter 4
  2. How long had Stanley been on the bus?  Over 8 hours, p. 11
  3. What plant life is there at Camp GL? Only two trees, p. 11
  4. What is Mr. Sir’s tattoo a picture of? A rattlesnake, p. 12
  5. Why does Mr. Sir eat sunflower seeds?  A substitute for smoking, p. 12
  6. What does Mr. Sir wear indoors?  Sunglasses, p. 12
  7. What colour is Stanley’s jumpsuit? Orange, p. 13
  8. How large must each hole be? 5 feet wide and 5 feet deep, p. 13
  9. What time is breakfast at Camp GL? 4:30 am, p. 13
  10. How long is Stanley’s sentence at Camp GL? 18 months, p. 15
Chapter 5
  1. How are the tents labeled? A-F, p. 16
  2. Which tent is Stanley in? Tent D, p. 16
  3. Who is Barfbag?  A boy named Lewis, p. 17
  4. Where do the boys store their gear? In crates, p. 18
  5. What is the nickname for Mr. Pendanski?  Mom, p. 19
  6. What does Theodore want to be called?  Armpit, p. 20
Chapter 6
  1. How long are the showers at Camp GL?  4 minutes, p. 21
  2. Who is “Sweet Feet”?  Baseball player Clyde Livingston, p. 22
  3. What record does Sweet Feet hold?  4 triples in a single game, p. 22
  4. What does Stanley’s cot smell like?  Sour milk, p. 23
  5. Who is Derrick Dunne?  A bully who tormented Stanley at school, p. 23
  6. How did Stanley come to possess the stolen shoes?  They fell from the sky (highway overpass), p. 24
  7. Why were the shoes so special?  They had been donated to the homeless shelter for an auction, p. 25
Chapter 7
  1. How much orange juice does each camper get for breakfast?  A pint carton, p. 27
  2. How long are the shovels used?  Five feet, p. 27
  3. What happens if you dig up something the Warden finds “interesting”?  You get the rest of the day off, p.27
  4. Where does Stanley get his first blister?  Middle of right thumb, p. 28
  5. Where had Stanley’s great great grandfather been born?  In Latvia, p. 28
  6. Why does Elya Yelnats visit Madame Zeroni?  To listen to her stories, p. 29
  7. What is Madame Zeroni’s disability?  Missing her left foot, p. 29
  8. Why does Madame Z not like Myra?  She would not make a good wife, p. 29-30
  9. What size is the piglet Madame gives to Elya?  Not much bigger than a rat, p. 30
  10. How does Madame suggest Elya win Myra’s hand?  Carry the pig up the mountain every day until Myra’s 15th birthday and present it to her father, p. 31
  11. What will bring a curse on Elya?  Not keeping the promise to carry Madame up to the mountain stream, p. 31
  12. Who goes to the front of the water line up at Camp GL?  X-ray, p. 32
  13. What does Elya’s pig weigh on Myra’s birthday?  More than 50 stones, p. 33
  14. Which pig is heavier, Elya’s or Igor’s?  They are equally heavy, p. 33
  15. When Myra is given the choice between the two suitors, how does she decide?  By having them pick a number between 1 and 10, p. 35
  16. Why does Elya refuse to pick a number?  He realizes she is foolish AND/OR she does not love him, p. 36
  17. How does Elya get to America?  Working as a deckhand on a ship, p. 36
  18. When does Elya remember the promise?  On the ship, when it’s too late, p. 36
  19. What does Zero do when finished digging his hole?  He spits in it, p. 37
  20. Who does Elya look for in America?  Madame Zeroni’s son, p. 38
  21. What happens to Elya’s barn three times?  It is struck by lightning, p. 38
  22. Who is Elya’s wife?  Sarah Miller, p. 38
  23. Why does Mr. Pendanski raise his hand to Stanley?  Give him a High-5 for finishing his first hole, p. 40
Chapter 8
  1. How many spots are on yellow spotted lizards?  Eleven, p. 41
  2. What colour are the eyes of this type of lizard?  Red, p. 41
  3. What colour are its teeth?  Black, p. 41
  4. What colour is its tongue?  White, p. 41
  5. Why do these lizards live in holes?  For shade and protection from birds.
Chapter 9
  1. What part of the Wreck Room reminds Stanley of the lake?  The pool table, p. 44
  2. Who watches Stanley write a letter?  Zero, p. 46
  3. What was at the back of the stolen shoes?  A red “X”, p. 46
  4. Who is Caveman?  Stanley, p. 47
Chapter 10
  1. How does Stanley try to protect his hands for Hole #2?  He holds his cap, p. 49
  2. What does Stanley first find that is interesting?  A fish fossil, p. 49
Chapter 11
  1. What is X-ray’s real name?  Rex, p. 53
  2. Why does X-ray say he needs help finding something?  He can’t see well, p. 53
  3. How does Derrick Dunne compare to the kids at Camp GL?  He’d be scared of any of them, p. 54
Chapter 12
  1. What makes Zero smile? Stanley’s mention of his pig stealing ancestor, p. 57
Chapter 13
  1. What are the initials on the gold tube Stanley finds?  KB, p. 61
  2. How does Stanley move up one place in line?  He gave the tube to X-ray, p. 63
Chapter 14
  1. How does Mr. Sir show where each boy is supposed to dig?  Scrapes the ground with his boot heel, p. 65
  2. What colour is the warden’s hair?  Red, p. 66
  3. What does Stanley notice about the Warden’s fingernails?  Dark red nail polish, p.67
  4. What two job options does the Warden give to Mr. P?  Fill canteens or dig, p. 68
Chapter 15
  1. What tool does the Warden use to poke through X-ray’s dirt pile?  Pitchfork, p. 69
  2. What extra equipment is added for digging after X-ray announces a “find”?  Wheelbarrows, p. 69
  3. What will be the reward for finding something more?  Rest of the day off and a double shower, p. 70
  4. What does Armpit say is the size of Warden’s surveillance cameras?  Toenail of big toe, p. 71
Chapter 16
  1. At first what did Stanley think the gold tube was part of?  A pen, p. 73
  2. Which nursery rhyme does Stanley’s mom refer to in her letter?  The Old Lady who lived in a shoe, p. 75
  3. What TV show had Zero never watched?  Sesame Street, p. 76
Chapter 17
  1. What are the 3 tiny spots on the front of Armpit’s shirt?  Blood, p. 78
  2. Whose shovel injures Stanley?  Zigzag, p. 78
  3. How does Mr. Sir bandage Stanley’s wound?  Sack from sunflower seeds, p. 78
Chapter 18
  1. What does Stanley imagine his wound looking like?  A hardboiled egg sticking out, p. 80
  2. Why does Stanley first say “NO” when Zero asks for reading lessons?  Stanley’s heart has hardened; he thinks he can’t teach, p. 82
Chapter 19
  1. What does Squid say to cover up his crying?  That he has allergies, p. 83
  2. How are racial differences erased at Camp GL?  When they dig they all become reddish-brown, p. 84
  3. Who takes some of Mr. Sir’s sunflower seeds?  Magnet, p. 84
  4. What is Magnet’s ethnic background?  Hispanic, p. 84
  5. Who takes the blame for stealing the sack of sunflower seeds?  Stanley, p. 86
  6. What feels good on the way to the warden’s?  Air blowing on his face, p. 87
Chapter 20
  1. Why does the Warden want her door closed?  Not lose the cold air from her air conditioning, p. 89
  2. What is the Warden’s coffee table made of?  Glass, p. 89
  3. What is on the Warden’s makeup case?  Pink roses, p. 89
  4. What is in the Warden’s nail polish?  Rattlesnake venom, p. 90
  5. When is the nail polish toxic?  When it’s wet, p. 90
  6. What does the Warden do to Mr. Sir?  Strikes him across the face and leaves three long red marks, p. 91
  7. What side of Mr. Sir’s face has the red marks?  His left side, p. 90
Chapter 21
  1. How long had Stanley’s great grandfather survived in the desert? 17 days, p. 92
  2. Who rescued him?  A couple of rattlesnake hunters, p. 93
  3. Where did he say he “found refuge”? On God’s thumb, p. 93
  4. Who did he marry?  One of the nurses, p. 93
  5. Why does Stanley say, “Thanks for the warning”? The rattlesnake made a sound before striking, p. 93
  6. Who had dug Stanley’s hole while he was gone?  Zero, p. 94
Chapter 22
  1. Who tells Stanley, “You didn’t steal the sneakers”? Zero, p. 96
  2. How does Stanley begin teaching Zero?  Going through the alphabet, p. 96
  3. How many letters does Zero say there are? 52 (26 upper and lowercase)
  4. What is Zero’s talent?  Mental math, p. 98
  5. What does Stanley later realize the gold tube was?  A lipstick container, p. 99
Chapter 23
  1. What kind of fruit trees used to line the shore of Green Lake?  Peach, p. 101
  2. Why does Miss Kate Barlow receive a special prize?  Her spiced peaches, p. 101
  3. What was a nickname for the spiced peaches?  Food for the angels, p. 102
  4. What was Miss Barlow’s occupation?  A teacher, p. 102
  5. What was Trout Walker’s real first name?  Charles, p. 102
  6. When did adults come to school?  In the evening for classes, p. 102
  7. How often does Trout bathe?  Every Sunday morning, p. 102
  8. What is bad about Trout’s new boat?  It pollutes the lake, p. 103
Chapter 24
  1. How large is the swelling on Mr. Sir’s face?  Size of ½ cantaloupe, p. 104
  2. What is for breakfast after Stanley begins teaching Zero?  Oatmeal, p. 104
  3. What does Mr. Sir do to Stanley’s canteen?  Pours water beside it, p. 106
Chapter 25
  1. What two men did the people of Green Lake used to go to whenever they got sick? Doc Hawthorn and Sam the Onion man, p. 107
  2. Who is Mary Lou?  Sam’s donkey, p. 107
  3. Where was Sam’s onion field?  Across the lake, p. 107
  4. How does Sam cross the lake?  In a row boat, p. 107
  5. How long did a return trip across the lake take Sam?  Two days, p. 107
  6. How old is Mary Lou?  Almost 50 years old, according to Sam, p. 107
  7. Who old can you get on a diet of raw onions, according to Sam?  200, p. 108
  8. What does Sam make out of onions?  Remedies, p. 108
  9. Why is Miss Katherine worried about the rain?  The roof of the school house leaks, p. 109
  10. What excluded Sam from night school?  He was a Negro/Black, p. 109
  11. Who memorized poems by Poe and Longfellow?  Sam, p. 110
  12. How does Sam “fix” the schoolhouse windows?  Allow them to open, p. 110
  13. What became a “well-crafted, freshly painted jewel of a building?  The Green Lake schoolhouse, p. 110
  14. Who noticed the kiss between Sam and Katherine?  Mrs. Hattie Parker, p. 111
Chapter 26
  1. What happens the day after the teacher’s kiss?  No kids come to school, p. 112
  2. What was the sheriff drinking when Katherine went to him?  Whiskey, p. 113
  3. Why was the kiss such a big deal?  In those days people of different races were not allowed to date or marry, p. 113
  4. How did Sam and Kate try to escape Green Lake?  By boat, p. 114
  5. How long ago had Sam been killed?  110 years, p. 115
  6. What had not happened on Green Lake since Sam’s murder?  Rain, p. 115
  7. What did Miss Katherine do after shooting the sheriff?  She kissed him with red lipstick on, p. 115
Chapter 27
  1. Who tries to help Stanley when Mr. Sir doesn’t fill his canteen?  Mr. P, p. 116
  2. What is Zero’s real name?  Hector Zeroni, p. 119
Chapter 28
  1. Where does Kate live at Green Lake?  In a cabin, p. 121
  2. How long had Kate been an outlaw?  For 20 years, p. 120
  3. Who married Trout Walker?  Linda Miller, p. 121
  4. What did Kate wear when Trout got her out of bed?  Blue silk pajamas, p. 122
  5. How did Kate Barlow die?  Bitten by yellow spotted lizard, p. 123
Chapter 29
  1. Who suggests building an ark when the boys observe a thunderstorm in the distance?  X-ray, p. 128
  2. What does the rock formation in the distance look like?  A giant fist with a thumb sticking straight up, p. 128
Chapter 30
  1. What does Zigzag get because it’s his birthday?  An extra carton of juice, p. 131
  2. How often did the supply truck come to Green Lake?  Once a month, p. 133
  3. Who helps Stanley in the fight with Zigzag?  Zero, p. 135
  4. How does Mr. Pendanski stop the fight?  By firing his pistol in the air, p. 137
  5. What does Zero say that h-a-t spells?  Chat, p. 138
  6. What does Zero leave behind when he leaves Camp GL?  His canteen. 139
Chapter 31
  1. What injuries did Mr. P get from Zero’s shovel?  Two black eyes and a bandaged nose, p. 142
  2. How do staff at Camp GL deal with Zero’s disappearance?  Destroy his records, p. 144
Chapter 32
  1. Why was Twitch at Camp GL?  He had stolen a car, p. 145
  2. How does Stanley mess up the plan of driving the truck to get to Zero?  He drives into a hole and deploys the airbag, p. 148
Chapter 33
  1. What did Stanley eat for lunch on his trek to find Zero?  One sunflower seed, p. 151
Chapter 34
  1. What colour were the peeled and faded letters Mary Lou? Red, p. 154
Chapter 35
  1. To what is Zero’s face compared when Stanley finds him?  A jack o’lantern, p. 155
  2. What does Zero call the contents of the glass jars?  Sploosh, p. 156
  3. How many jars had he found? 16, p. 156
  4. What fruit did the mushy drink taste like?  Peaches, p. 157
Chapter 36
  1. Who say, “When you spend your whole life living in a hole, the only way you can go is up”? Zero, p. 160
  2. What does Stanley joke will be on the top of Big Thumb?  An Italian restaurant, p. 163
  3. What does Zero imagine on his ideal ice cream sundae?  Nuts, whipped cream, bananas and hot fudge, p. 164
  4. What did it seem the Big Thumb was twirling? A basketball (the sun) p. 166
Chapter 37
  1. What are 2 clues that water must be nearby?  Weeds and bugs (gnats), p. 169
Chapter 38
  1. How does Stanley realize there is water?  By falling in the mud, p. 171
Chapter 39
  1. What is Zero’s confession?  “I took your shoes”, p. 175
Chapter 40
  1. What is the price of the onions Sam is selling? Eight cents/dozen, p. 177
  2. What is the name of the little girl saved from the stomach sickness?  Becca, p. 178
  3. What cured Becca?  Sam’s onion tonic, p 178
  4. What was Doc Hawthorn’s treatment going to be?  Leeches, p. 178
  5. Who is the butcher?  Jim Parker, p. 179
  6. What food does the general store owner want Becca to come get when she’s all better?  A piece of candy, p. 179
  7. Why does Stanley go for the shovel he had left behind?  To get cleaner water by digging, p. 180
Chapter 41
  1. How does Stanley like to eat onions?  One layer at a time, p. 182
  2. What did Zero pretend to be when he used to sleep outdoors?  A cub scout, p. 183
  3. What is surprising about Clyde’s running shoes?  They smell bad and are quite small, p. 184
  4. Why was Zero at Camp GL?  He had stolen brand new sneakers, p. 184
Chapter 42
  1. Why can’t Stanley fall asleep one night on God’s Thumb?  He is so happy, p. 186
Chapter 43
  1. What colour does Zero remember his bedroom being, way back?  Yellow, p. 189
  2. Why did the water jars not break when the boys slipped down the hill?  The onions cushioned them like packing material, p. 192
  3. What toy did Zero hug when his mother left him alone?  A stuffed Giraffe, p. 194
  4. Where had Zero’s mother left him the last time?  Laney Park, p. 194
  5. How does Zero indicate the right way to Camp GL?  By drawing a diagram in the dirt, p. 196
Chapter 44
  1. What food does Zero steal and bring Stanley in the hole?  Sweet cereal, p. 200
  2. What object do they find in the hole where the lipstick tube had been found before?  A metal box, p. 201
  3. What is the handle of the box made of?  Leather, p. 202
Chapter 45
  1. What makes Stanley almost scream when lights are shone on the boys secretly digging?  He is standing on a lizard nest, p. 205
  2. When had the Warden dug holes?  As a child, p. 206
  3. What is the Warden waiting for?  The boys to die of lizard bites, p. 206
Chapter 46
  1. What memory comes to Stanley’s mind as he languishes in the hole?  Sliding on snow with his mom in the winter, p. 209
  2. What does Mr. Sir tell Caveman to make him despair?  His lawyer came for him the day before to say he was innocent, p. 209
Chapter 47
  1. What is the Warden’s name?  Ms. Walker, p. 213-4
  2. What does the suitcase say?  Stanley Yelnats, p. 216
  3. Who reads the name on the suitcase?  Zero, p. 216
Chapter 48
  1. Who was the tall man?  The Texas Attorney General, p. 217
  2. How had the truck been extracted from the hole?  Everyone in C, D and E picked it up, p. 221
  3. What happened to Hector’s records?  They can’t be accessed by computer, p. 222
Chapter 49
  1. What did Sam sell to rattlesnake hunters?  Onion juice to ward off lizards, p. 224
  2. What kind of lawyer is Mrs. Morengo?  Patents p. 224
  3. What is the scent of the odor eater Mr. Yelnats has invented?  Spicy peaches, p. 225
  4. What happens at Camp GL as the boys drive away?  It rains, p. 225
Chapter 50

  1. What does Camp GL become? A Girl Scout Camp, p. 229
  2. What was in the suitcase?  Jewels and valuable papers, p. 230
  3. Who is both on TV and sitting beside Stanley on the couch?  Clyde Livingston, p. 231
  4. What food is served at the party at the end of the book?  Caviar, p. 232

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