
For the joy of reading

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Practice Questions for The Man Who Loved Clowns by June Rae Wood

Practice questions for the Man who Loved Clowns by June Rae Wood

  1. What is Delrita’s special talent?  Woodcarving
  2. What did she carve for her mother?  A girl, dog and boy
  3. What kind of lunch box does Punky have?  Jellybean the clown
  4. What does Punky keep in his lunch box?  His treasures, including broken crayons
  5. What is Herkimer?  A carved swan
  6. Who is a master woodcarver?  Whittlin' Walt
  7. What is Punky’s response to a prayer?  The word “Bang”
  8. What does organ music make Punky do?  Cry
  9. Who are Delbert and Margarita?  Delrita’s grandparents, after whom she is named
  10. What is the relationship between Punky and Delrita?  Uncle-niece
  11. What is Punky’s real name?  Richard Holloway
  12. What is Punky’s disability?  Down’s Syndrome
  13. What does Punky hide behind the television?  Chicken bones
  14. What change in Punky’s daily routine does Delrita worry about?  Him going to the sheltered workshop
  15. What kind of hat does Punky have/wear?  A cowboy hat
  16. Who is married to Uncle Bert?  Aunt Queenie
  17. How did Delrita’s parents die?  In an automobile accident that involved a trailer they were pulling
  18. Who is “pretty girl”? Delrita
  19. Who is Barney?  A man at the sheltered workshop
  20. Who is Avanelle?  Delrita’s new friend
  21. Near which holiday does Punky die?  Christmas
  22. What does Punky ask Delrita to stop?  The rain
  23. How does she stop the rain? She pretends to call the radio station
  24. Where does the book take place?  Tangle Nook, Missouri
  25. When do we find out Punky’s real name?  On his birthday (written on a gift certificate)
  26. What is Punky’s favourite restaurant?  McDonalds
  27. Which family all have red hair and green eyes?  The Shacklefords
  28. Where are Punky and Delrita when they get the new about Delrita’s parents?  Silver Dollar City
  29. What name is given to the new Shackleford baby?  Elmira
  30. Which family likes old-fashioned names?  The Shacklefords
  31. Who is Avanelle’s brother?  Tree (Trezane)
  32. What are the first names of Delrita’s parents?  Sam and Shirley
  33. Who is Punky’s legal guardian?  Queenie
  34. Who asks Delrita to the sock hop?  Tree
  35. Who is Punky’s brother?  Uncle Bert
  36. Why do Tree and Delrita not end up going to the sock hop together?  Tree has to babysit
  37. Who is Delrita ashamed of?  Punky
  38. What insulting name does Punky call people?  Old goat or “fat”
  39. Why do Delrita and Punky move in with Uncle Bert?  Delrita’s parents died
  40. What is Delrita’s last name?  Jensen
  41. Who says, “Well, I declare”?  Aunt Queenie
  42. To what does Delrita compare her legs?  Pipe cleaners
  43. How do Delrita and Avanelle meet?  They have to share a math book
  44. What insulting word does Delrita hate?  Weirdo
  45. What had happened to the pet chicken named Henrietta?  It had been stolen
  46. Where had Delrita lived before Tangle Nook, Missouri?  On a farm
  47. Avanelle lives near which landmark? Mcdonalds
  48. When did Delrita realize she could never have a real friend?  In Grade 2
  49. What does Punky use for a microphone?  A stick
  50. Who are the Jensen’s neighbours in Tangle Nook?  The Gregory family
  51. What did Marcus almost hit Delrita with?  His bike
  52. Where does Punky sit when he watches TV? On the floor
  53. What is Aunt Queenie’s real name?  Queen Esther Holloway
  54. What does Punky enjoy watching most on TV?  Commercials
  55. Why do doctors say Punky will not live long?  He has a heart problem
  56. Why does Punky have a bald spot?  He twists his hair
  57. What looks like the “leftovers from a St. Patrick’s day parade”? Delrita’s closet/wardrobe  (all green clothes)
  58. Where does Delrita keep her woodcarving tools?  Barbie doll suitcase
  59. What had been Delrita’s first woodcarving project?  A snowman
  60. What does Punky’s plate look like?  Red, plastic
  61. What does Delrita’s dad do?  Owns an antique store
  62. Who looks like a giant sunflower at Punky’s birthday party?  Uncle Bert
  63. What is Uncle Bert’s occupation?  He sells real estate
  64. What had spoiled Punky?  His mother (who had since died)
  65. Where had Punky never been?  To school
  66. What strange question is on an IQ test?  Describe the handle of a knife
  67. How does Aunt Queenie honour Delrita’s talent of wood carving?  She says she could sell her creations.
  68. What does Punky mean by saying, “Flag, DJ”?  Stand up for the national anthem
  69. What was Delrita’s mom interested in at the estate auction?  A roll-top desk
  70. Why does Punky line up lawn chairs by the swing set?  As an audience for his singing
  71. Who plays circus with Punky on a summer afternoon?  Marcus
  72. What does Punky do with shampoo?  Dumps ½ full bottles down the toilet.
  73. What prize is inside the plastic egg?  A whistle
  74. What looked like they had been “fried in hot oil”?  Sunburns (Delrita’s parents)
  75. What does Delrita notice about the outside of Avanelle’s house?  It has peeling paint
  76. What is Gilberta’s shortened name?  Birdie
  77. Who does Delrita give Punky’s whistle to?  Birdie
  78. What does Birdie call Delrita?  Velveeta
  79. Who “never had a chance to be a kid”?  Delrita’s mom
  80. How does Punky greet the pastor at church? Gives him a friendly back slap
  81. Who are the unexpected guests at Countryside Church?  The Shacklefords
  82. What instrument is at the Countryside church?  An upright piano
  83. What is the name of the school football team?  Wildcats
  84. Who defends the Shacklefords when Elsie gossips about them?  Miss Myrtle
  85. Who is “an owl looking for a tree”?  Delrita
  86. What is Delrita’s middle name? Jolena
  87. Where had Avanelle lived before?  St. Louis
  88. Why do the football players wear makeup at the pep rally?  It was a spirit day when guys dressed as girls and girls as guys.
  89. How does Tree suggest Punky think of lightning?  Angels setting off fireworks
  90. Who regularly says, “Wait a minute”? Punky
  91. Where do Punky and Delrita eat a $13 lunch?  At the Lumbercamp Restaurant (at Silver Dollar City)  
  92. What is the best wood for carving, according to Walt? Basswood
  93. Who calls Punky “a man who loves clowns”? Whittlin’ Walt
  94. Who says, “Not every lesson can be learned in a classroom”? Aunt Queenie
  95. Who gave Delrita the news about her parents?  Whittlin’ Walt
  96. What does Punky say about the new grown-up lunch box?  “You have it”
  97. Who is the boss at the sheltered workshop?  Mr. Reese or Charles Reese
  98. Who takes Punky through the doors of the workshop after the buzzer sounds?  Susie
  99. What is a place for mountain climbing?  The sheltered workshop
  100. What does Georgina call other players who fumble the ball?  Turkeys
  101. Why is Avanelle’s dad in prison?  He transported furniture in his truck for a friend without knowing the friend had stolen it
  102. Who calls Delrita “my wife”?  Barney
  103. Why did the Jensens have to give away their dog Brownie (back when they lived on the farm)?  It got the taste of blood after killing a chicken
  104. Who’s the blind man who makes mud mats?  Rudy
  105. Who is Gardenia?  Mrs. Shackleford
  106. What does Punky call his first pay check?  My dollar
  107. How did Uncle Bert want the check cashed?  In one dollar bills
  108. What does Punky buy with his pay?  A new TV
  109. What sport does Punky play at Special Olympics?  Basketball
  110. Who did Punky give one of the clowns Delrita had carved?  Frankie
  111. What does Delrita use an encyclopedia to complete?  A report about frogs
  112. Who invites Delrita to carve in the family room?  Aunt Queenie
  113. What stops Delrita from giving Herkimer to Avanelle?  Punky trades for it and then gives it to Susie
  114. Who gives Delrita a crash course in dancing?  Uncle Bert
  115. What is the Big Red Shoe Review?  Ronald McDonald’s magic show
  116. What does Aunt Queenie request when Punky is moved out of ICU?  That he come home (to die)
  117. What approaches the graveside after Punky’s private funeral?  A parade of people touched by Punky’s life
  118. Why does Avanelle stop talking to Delrita?  She thinks Delrita deliberately told the girls at school her dad was in jail.
  119. Why does Delrita stop talking to Tree?  She thinks he took someone else to the dance instead of her.
  120. Who does Avanelle help after school? Miss Myrtle
  121. What had Punky taught Delrita?  To be herself.

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