
For the joy of reading

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Practice Questions for Okay for Now by Gary D. Schmidt

Questions for Okay for Now
  1. Which library book is missing pages?  Audubon’s bird book
  2. Who are Doug’s brothers?  Lucas and Christopher
  3. Who taught Doug how to draw?  Mr. Powell
  4. Where in New York does Doug live at first?  Long Island
  5. What is Doug’s school before he moves to Marysville?  Camillo Junior School
  6. What kind of ball cap does Doug have?  NY Yankees
  7. Who gave it to him?  A famous ball player
  8. Who knows everything there is to know about Babe Ruth?  Doug’s father
  9. Where do the Swietecks move when they leave Long Island?  Marysville
  10. Why do they move?  Dad lost his job and moving where a new job has been found
  11. Who helps Doug’s dad to get the new job?  Ernie Eco
  12. Where is Doug’s brother stationed (in the army)?  Vietnam
  13. What could Mrs. Swieteck not take along to Marysville?  Her plants
  14. What does she do with them?  She gives them away to all the neighbours in sets of three
  15. Who does Doug say has the best smile?  His mother
  16. Where does Doug hang his jacket for safekeeping?  On a nail underneath basement stairs
  17. What does Doug call the rented house in Marysville?  The Dump
  18. What does Holling Hoodhood give to Doug on the day he moves?  A Joe Pepitone jacket
  19. What is the first Audubon print in the library’s display case?  Arctic Tern
  20. Who let Doug into the library early?  Mr. Powell
  21. Who objects to letting people in early?  Mrs. Merriam, the librarian
  22. What flavour is the green ice cream?  Pistachio
  23. Where does Doug’s big brother pummel him?  In places where bruises don’t show
  24. What flavour of ice cream does Doug first deliver to Mrs. Windermere?  Lemon
  25. What is Mrs. Windermere doing when Doug first comes to her house?  Typing
  26. What does she say is sitting beside her giving inspiration?  A god of creativity
  27. Who is the boss of the paper mill?  Mr. (Big Bucks) Ballard
  28. Where is Mrs. Windermere’s house key?  Under the mat at the back door
  29. Where in Mrs. Windermere’s house is a framed Audubon print?  Above her fireplace
  30. Who does Doug make deliveries for?  Mr. Spicer/Spicer’s Deli
  31. When does Doug make the deliveries?  Saturday mornings
  32. When is the Marysville Public Library open?  Only Saturdays
  33. Why does Doug’s brother tease him about going to the library?  He know Doug can’t read and he considers it “uncool”
  34. What is the name of the principal at Washington Irving school in Marysville?  Principal Peattie
  35. What challenge does Mr. Powell give Doug after the first art lesson?  How to draw the feathers
  36. Which drawing does Christopher destroy?  Large billed puffin.
  37. Why does Doug not mind?  He said its food looks like it’s underwater (as an insult), but that’s exactly what Doug was trying to achieve.
  38. Why were single plates from the Audubon volume being sold?  The town needed the money
  39. Who gives Doug a detention?  Coach Reed
  40. What does Doug do that irritates Coach Reed?  He sneaks over to the Shirts team when he has been designated “Skins”
  41. Who does Mr. Ferris figure out that Doug can’t read?  Periodic table of the elements
  42. What is the “Skins” team?  Players don’t wear a shirt at all
  43. What humiliates Doug about being shirtless?  He has a tattoo that says “Mama’s baby”
  44. Why does Mr. Swieteck want to attend the Harvest-Time picnic?  He thinks he’ll win the trivia contest
  45. What activity does Doug try for the first time at the picnic?  Horseshoes
  46. What is the prize for the trivia contest?  Money, a signed baseball and a VIP parking spot at the mill
  47. Who is Doug’s partner for the contest?  Mr. Ballard (the owner)
  48. Who bought the Yellow Shank print?  Mr. Ballard
  49. Who commonly says the word “terrific”?  Doug
  50. What does the paper mill give to all the boys?  Timex watch
  51. Who says, “No siree buster”?  Coach Reed
  52. Which boys run with Doug during PE class?  Otis Bottom and James Russell
  53. What unit is Doug avoiding in PE?  Wrestling
  54. How does Coach Reed make Doug catch up?  Taking an extra PE class during his lunch period
  55. Who is like the hunter in the background of the Snowy Heron picture, according to Doug?  Principal Peattie
  56. What did Doug hope Coach would do for Lucas?  Talk to him about the war
  57. Who did Mr. Ballard give the trivia prize to?  Doug’s dad, but he never passed it on to Doug
  58. What is Coach Reed’s secret?  He draws pictures on the clipboards instead of recording marks
  59. Where did Christopher find the signed baseball?  In the dad’s car
  60. Who is the science teacher?  Mr. Ferris
  61. What do Doug and Lil watch on TV at the end of the book?  Lunar landing
  62. What does MRs. Windermere call Doug?  Skinny Delivery Boy
  63. Why was January so difficult for Doug’s deliveries?  It snows every Saturday: cold and wet
  64. Who helps Doug in January?  All his customers give him something warm when he comes there
  65. What book is Mrs. Windermere’s play based on?  Jane Eyre
  66. How does Doug help Coach Reed?  Filling out Presidential Fitness Charts
  67. What is the occupation of Otis’ dad?  Doctor
  68. What is the occupation of James’ dad?  Flute player in orchestra
  69. Which composer does Mr. Russell especially like?  Aaron Copeland
  70. What could Doug not get used to being served on his delivery boy route?  A bowl of cream of wheat
  71. Who becomes the owner of the Joe Pepitone jacket? Ernie Eco
  72. What kind of flowers do Lil and Doug plant?  Daisies
  73. What does Christopher do to them?  Spits on them
  74. Which store is robbed in March?  Tools n More Hardware
  75. What is the biography of Copeland, first edition traded for?  The puffins at the Russell home
  76. What does Mr. Ballard give Doug to replace the Joe Pepitone jacket?  A flying jacket
  77. What do Doug and Mrs. Windermere agree about that the Snowy Heron picture will be returned to the library?  He and Lil will be in her play
  78. What does Doug help Mr. Loeffler do?  Change light bulbs
  79. Why does Mr. Loeffler suddenly not need any help from Doug anymore?  After the robberies, people think Doug’s brother did them and they don’t trust him either
  80. Who talks back to Lucas?  Doug
  81. What does Doug urge Lucas to do?  Try
  82. Where does Doug practice shrieking?  In the fields outside on the way to Mrs. Windermere’s house.
  83. What are the three jobs Lucas was hired and fired from?  Gas station, A + P store and bank of Catskills
  84. What disaster does Mr. Gregory have to deal with on opening night?  Lily is sick
  85. Why does Doug think Lil is sick?  From eating pencils
  86. Why had Lil been eating pencils?  She was nervous
  87. What is Lil’s role in the play?  Helen Burns
  88. What is Doug’s role?  Off stage, he is the mad woman in the attic who shrieks
  89. What does Doug describe as “spectacular”?  The feel of a pencil in his fingers
  90. What is the importance of the number 216?  The number of stitches in a baseball
  91. Which poet does Doug hate?  Shelley
  92. What is Lil’s last name?  Spicer
  93. What does Lil smell like?  Daisies
  94. Which print is never returned?  Arctic Tern
  95. What is put in its place?  Doug’s drawing of the Arctic Tern
  96. How does Doug get the Brown Pelican back?  Principal Peattie says he will return it if Christopher is found not guilty of robberies
  97. Who does Doug babysit for?  Dougherties
  98. What is Mr. Dougherty’s job?  Police officer
  99. Why is there no hearing for Christopher?  Anonymous tip led to the stolen goods being found
  100. Who is the English teacher?  Mrs. Cowper
  101. Who calls Doug a “skinny thug”?  Lil
  102. Who calls Doug “a hoodlum in training”?  Mrs. Merriam
  103. Why does Mrs. Merriam talk to Lucas?  Wonders if he ever met her son, who is missing in Vietnam
  104. What annoys Doug about Mrs. Merriam’s glasses?  They are on a chain
  105. Who does Doug say “lost the sky”?  Lucas
  106. When they first see Lucas, what is covering his eyes?  A bandage
  107. What job does Lucas do with Coach Reed?  He’s assistant coach
  108. What is Clarence?  Mr. Ferris’ toy horse
  109. What does it mean when Clarence rocks?  Mr. Ferris is excited about something
  110. Who says, “it is a wrong day.  Most days are wrong days”? Doug
  111. Who robbed the places in town?  Ernie Eco
  112. What does Doug’s dad carry to the table after Christopher is cleared of wrongdoing?  Mashed potatoes
  113. What is Lil’s illness?  Cancer
  114. What does Doug call himself for not demanding to be paid every week?  A chump
  115. Who comes to opening night of Jane Eyre?  Joe Pepitone
  116. What does he say to Doug about the shrieking?  It really scared him
  117. How does Doug get the divers back?  He has to play Helen Burns on opening night
  118. At which theatre is Jane Eyre performed?  Rose Theatre
  119. Which song do they sing on the way home from the theatre?  Yellow Submarine
  120. What goes wrong when Doug babysits the Dougherties?  One child can’t breathe
  121. What does he do?  Calls Christopher to take over and takes the child to Dr. Bottom for help
  122. What does Doug have to do when he babysits the Dougherties?  Read them each a book
  123. How did Doug get his tattoo?  His dad came home drunk on Doug’s birthday and “surprised” him with it
  124. Who gives Doug’s mother some plants for the garden?  The people on his delivery route
  125. Why does does the ice cream melt on his first Saturday delivery?  Since Doug can’t read he has trouble finding the addresses
  126. Who gives Doug the wrong directions on the first Saturday of deliveries?  Ernie Eco
  127. How did Audubon get his models to draw?  He killed them
  128. Who is proud of being called “a young artist”?  Doug

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