
For the joy of reading

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Practice Questions for Son by Lois Lowry

Questions for Son by Lois Lowry

Part 1: Before
What was a birthmother’s mask made of?  Leather
What is another name given to birthmothers?  Vessels
Where did Claire’s parents move to when she became a birthmother?  To the place for Childless Adults
What was Claire's brother Peter employed with?  Law and Justice
Where is Claire’s scar?  On her belly
Why is Claire reassigned?  There were complications in the birth and she could not have any more babies
Who is the hatchery supervisor?  Dmitri
What is the House of Elders?  Where the government lives and studies
What are the dark spots on the salmon eggs? Eyes
Who is Claire’s friend at the Nurturing Centre?  Sophia
How does one apply for a spouse according to Rolf?  Fill out “about a thousand forms”
What does Edith say about “wondering”?  It’s likely against the rules
Who had borrowed Dmitri’s posters?  Biology teacher
What does community call infants?  Newchildren
What is importance of # 50 in Son?  Number of children born each year in the Community
When are newchildren named?  When assigned to parents
What happened to mammals in the Community?  No longer there because they are not part of a healthy diet and took away from efficiency
In Claire’s dream, where does she keep Thirty-Six?  Hidden in a drawer
What is on 36’s ankle?  A metal security bracelet
What does Claire think the nurturer calls her baby?  Abe
How long must a paired couple wait before applying for a child?  Three years
What do the 7’s receive at the Ceremony?  Front-buttoned jackets
What do the 9’s receive at the Ceremony?  Bicycles
What do the 10’s receive at the Ceremony?  Haircuts (girls lose braids)
What do the 12’s receive?  Their life assignments
Which male name is regiven?  Paul
Which female name is regiven?  Wilhelmina
What is the name for places beyond the Community?  Elsewhere
Who is #19?  Jonas
What is his assignment?  Receiver (only vaguely referenced in this book: clearer in the Giver)
How had the young man from the supply boat learned to swim?  His Dad had thrown him in a pond
Why does Claire not know the name of the nurturer who takes #36 home at night?  Nametags are not worn there because the children pull at them
What is 36’s comfort object?  A hippo
What kind of chin does the supply boat cook, Marie, have?  Double chin
What building does Claire think Jonas goes to for his training?  Annex
What does Claire not take that her coworkers at the hatchery do?  Pills
At the birthing unit, what had Suzanne explained about the pills?  When you stop taking them you become aware of your feelings
What does Claire plan to do if she’s ever given pills?  Only pretend to take them.
Why does Jonas’ dad have a headache when Claire sees him at the Nurturing centre for the last time?  #36 will be “sent on his way” in the morning
What did Marie smell like when she hugged Claire?  Sweat and onions.

Section 2: Between
Who rescued Claire from the water?  Old Benedikt
What had Lame Einar been called at first?  Fierce Einar
What do the villagers call Claire?  Water Claire
Where is the village located?  At the base of a steep cliff
What is Einar’s occupation?  Shepherd
What does Alys first feed Claire?  Herb flavoured broth
What is described as red-gold or copper?  Claire’s hair colour
Who had made Alys’ trunk?  Her father
What is a scarecrow in the village called?  Mommet
Who made the scarecrow?  Tall Andras
Why does Tall Andras no longer want to marry Claire?  Shameful that she had a child but no husband; she is considered “stained”
Where does Claire write her name?  On the beach
What does Claire call her bird?  Yellow-wing
Where do the villagers live?  In huts
What are things Claire is unfamiliar with?  Colours, music
How does Claire react to the skewed face of the mommet?  She cries
Who says, “Don’t cut Bryn”? Claire
What does Bryn call her baby?  Elen
Who was Einar’s father?  A hard fisherman who blamed him for his mother’s death
What happened to Einar’s mother?  She died in childbirth
What is Claire’s first exercise to prepare for the climb?  Sit ups to strengthen her belly where the scar is
What had Alys hoped Claire would become?  Take over her role as healer
Who does Alys begin to train instead when she knows Claire will be leaving?  Bethan
Why does Einar want to blindfold Claire?  So she can practice night climbing in the day time
Why does she refuse it?  It reminds her too much of the mask at birthing
Who has twin boys?  Bryn
Who has a map in his mind?  Einar
What supplies does Claire take on the climb? A knife, rope, salve, gloves, water, and a bright red cloth wrapped around a rock, sandals
How is the water carried?  In a gourd
What attacks Claire’s arm?  A parent gull
How does she dislodge the nest of baby gulls?  Puts her rope in a noose and pulls it down
What does the strange man at the top of the cliff wear?  A black cloak
How did Einar’ feet become lame?  The Trademaster chopped them off with a hatchet
What are the first words Trademaster says to Claire?  Exquisite eyes
What does Claire trade for help in finding her son?  Her youth

Part 3: Beyond
From whose point of view is this part told?  Gabe’s
Why does Gabe never approach the old woman he thinks is watching him?  He is shy
Where does Gabe live?  Boys’ Lodge (for boys without families)
What is Gabe building?  A boat
Why is he building it?  He wants to find his mother
Who tries to explain to Gabe why he didn’t have parents?  Jonas
Who is Gabe’s best friend?  Nathaniel
What is Catapult?  A grey cat
Who is in Jonas’ family?  Wife Kira, daughter Annabelle and son Matthew
What has Jonas’ roles been in this place?  Leader and now scholar/librarian
How had Jonas and Gabe arrived here?  On a sled
Where is this sled kept?  In the museum
What kind of wood does Gabe use for the boat?  Cedar and bamboo
What is Kira’s talent?  Sewing, embroidery
Who had given his life in stopping Trademaster’s earlier assaults on the village?  Matty
What is Gabe’s gift?  Veering
Who was wrestling at a contest during a feast?  Miller
What is the teacher called?  Mentor
When Gabe entered Mentor to get the answers to his math test, what happens?  He got a passion for learning instead
Who is the freckle-faced girl Gabe is attracted to?  Deirdre
Who helps Claire with her back pain?  Herbalist
What can Claire no longer eat?  Meat (not enough teeth to chew)
Why does Claire not tell Gabe she is his mother?  She does not want to embarrass him or be a burden to him
Who does Claire share her story with?  Jonas
What had Trademaster set up in the years when Jonas was leader?  Trade Mart
What do Gabe’s friends carve their names into?  His paddle
How does Gabe fill the crack in his boat that Stefan points out?  He puts a rag in the gap
After Gabe’s failed launch, where does he get washed up?  At Jonas’ house
What is the dog at Jonas’ house named?  Frolic
What does Trademaster want people to trade?  Part of their character
What does Jonas have Gabe pretend to trade?  His energy for a boat
What is Jonas’ gift?  Seeing beyond
When will Jonas explain how to destroy Trademaster?  In the morning
What does Claire say to Jonas, as she lays about to die?  “Tell him”
Whose story helps Gabe believe the destructive power of Trademaster?  Mentor’s
What made people call Mentor “Rosie”? His birthmark
What did Mentor trade for being  younger and handsomer?  His honour
What discovery does Gabe make about Trademaster?  Trades can be reversed
Where does Gabe meet Trademaster?  On the other side of the river, in a birch grove
How does Gabe know where to meet him?  Jonas “sees beyond” and find out where he is
How does Gabe cross the river?  He swims (and brings his paddle)
What does Gabe repeat to himself?  I cannot kill someone
What does Trademaster give to Gabe so he can kill?  A stiletto (sharp knife)
What is Trademaster?  A force disguised as a man
What does Trademaster ask Gabe several times?  “Want it?”
How does veering help Gabe overcome Trademaster?  He understands Trademaster’s hunger/starvation
What truths does Gabe confront Trademaster with?  That he hadn’t truly ruined Einar, Mentor or Claire
What do Trademaster’s weapons become?  Rusty bits of tin, broken toys
What does Trademaster become?  A heap that smelled of rot
With what part of his body does Gabe nudge the heap of rot?  His toe/foot

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