
For the joy of reading

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Practice Questions for Flyaway by Lucy Christopher

In Flyaway, in the old barn, what makes Isla’s throat itch?  The dust on the old blankets p. 191
In Flyaway, what is the superhero Isla calls herself while wearing the harness?  Bird Girl p. 196
In Flyaway, what does Harry think Isla looked like, the time when she was coming to show him the bird model? An angel p. 207
In Flyaway, what makes Harry want to go outside? He wants to help Isla make the swan fly again. Also he wants to do it before his bone marrow surgery p. 203-204
In Flyaway, how are grandparents referred to? Nan and Granddad p. 71
In Flyaway, what does Isla grab to do her hair? Hairband p. 4
In Flyaway, what nervous habit does Dad have? Chews lip p. 1,5
In Flyaway, what do they pass to get to the preserve? Power station p. 7
In Flyaway, where do whooper swans come from? Iceland p. 8
In Flyaway, how do the swans die? Electrocuted p. 12
In Flyaway, how does Dad reach the dead swans? Wades in p. 15
In Flyaway, what day is it when Dad and Isla go to see the swans? Sunday p. 16
In Flyaway, where do they put the swan? In the trunk p. 17
In Flyaway, who is a vet? Granddad p. 16
In Flyaway, how do we know Dad is ill? Shivering, then sweating, dark circles under his eyes, sent home early from work.
In Flyaway, what is the name of Granddad’s dog? Dig p. 23
In Flyaway, how do we know that the medical posters are old? Curling, yellow edges
In Flyaway, when was the last time they were in the clinic? When Rocky (dog) was hit by a truck
In Flyaway, what treatment does Granddad give the swan? Needle p. 27
In Flyaway, what is Isla’s nickname? Bird p. 30
In Flyaway, what is Jack watching on TV? Hospital drama p. 30
In Flyaway, who is not a “real vet” in Dad’s opinion? Granddad p. 32
In Flyaway, where did Saskia migrate to? North to Glasgow p. 34
In Flyaway, what lesson is done in art when Saskia is gone? Still life p. 34
In Flyaway, who is the art teacher? Mrs. Diver p. 30
In Flyaway, what is true about the apple that Isla draws? It is bruised and has a worm hole p. 35
In Flyaway, why does Isla not talk to Sophie on the first day? Feels like disloyalty to Saskia p. 36
In Flyaway, who doesn’t want Isla to get her haircut? Mum p. 38
In Flyaway, what does Isla give her dad to eat from her pocket? An old peppermint p. 40
In Flyaway, how fast is Dad going past the hospital? Over the speed limit p. 44
In Flyaway, where is Dad’s phone when Isla needs to call for help? Car dashboard p. 46
In Flyaway, how is Dad carried to the ambulance? On a stretcher p. 48
In Flyaway, what does the nurse give Isla to drink? Orange juice p. 50
In Flyaway, what part of the hospital vending machine was empty? Chocolate bars p. 54
In Flyaway, what hides Isla’s face in the hospital cafeteria? Big plastic leaves of fake palm tree p. 55
In Flyaway, what does Isla want to do to the plastic Santa? Punch it p. 56
In Flyaway, what connection does Isla make to Harry’s surname? Type of bird from Norway p. 57
In Flyaway, what is silent in Isla’s name? “s” p. 59
In Flyaway, which ward is Dad in? Coronary care p. 60
In Flyaway, what ailment did Dad have? Arrhythmia p. 62
In Flyaway, what do Granddad and Isla and Jack do while eating? Watch TV news p. 64
In Flyaway, which fairy tales did Dad used to read to Isla? H. C. Anderson p. 66
In Flyaway, what happens when Isla counts the swans in her dream? They fall p. 66
In Flyaway, what drink does Granddad give Isla at breakfast? Coffee p. 70
In Flyaway, which bird had Granddad been excited to show young Isla? A robin p. 71
In Flyaway, what does Harry like doing at the hospital? Watching people p. 79
In Flyaway, what does it mean that H is in remission? Cancer stopped for a while p. 81
In Flyaway, where is Isla when she sees the swan in the window? Henry’s hospital room p. 84
In Flyaway, what are the visiting hours in the pediatric ward? Anytime p. 82
In Flyaway, who invites Isla to join the soccer players? Crowy p. 88
In Flyaway, how do they mark the soccer goals? Sweatshirts p. 89
In Flyaway, what does Jack call Isla after she scores a goal? A loon p. 91
In Flyaway, why won’t Mum let Jack skip school? Exams p. 92
In Flyaway, why can’t Dad see the lake/swan? His window faces the wrong way p. 96
In Flyaway, what does Isla think smells better than the hospital? Damp leaves and mud the lake behind the hospital p. 98
In Flyaway, what surprised Isla about the lone swan? It was not afraid of her, doesn’t take off, follows her p. 101
In Flyaway, what does the nurse with the Scottish accent call Isla? Hen p. 105
In Flyaway, what is Harry waiting for? A bone marrow transplant p. 111
In Flyaway, what happens to the places the swan pecks in Isla’s dream? Blood blisters and sprouting down feathers p. 119
In Flyaway, what is different about the swans where Sophie came from? They’re black, not white p. 123
In Flyaway, when Isla finishes her sketch, what does she do? Runs p. 127
In Flyaway, what does Isla wear to replace her wet and dirty shirt? A clean white shirt p. 131
In Flyaway, why are dirty clothes such a big deal at the hospital? Infection p. 130
In Flyaway, what is done with dirty clothes? They are thrown out the window p. 132
In Flyaway, what is the only takeout Granddad likes? Fish and chips p. 145
In Flyaway, what is rusty in Granddad’s barn? Bikes p. 152
In Flyaway, what kind of swan is Old Swanson? Mute p. 154
In Flyaway, why are there no clean shirts at Isla’s house? Dad’s job is laundry p. 156
In Flyaway, what smell is Harry’s shirt? Pine needles p. 157
In Flyaway, what does Isla work on in IT class? A spreadsheet p. 164
In Flyaway, what does Jack think is wrong with Isla when he sees her with a knife? That she is crazy p. 182
In Flyaway, from where does Isla get her harness? It’s an old one of her Dad’s (climbing) p. 186
In Flyaway, why does Isla spend another night at Granddad’s? To finish the project p. 191
In Flyaway, what is the drink Granddad and Isla share after work on the project? Tea p. 192
In Flyaway, what material is used to attach wings to her arms? Velcro p. 195
In Flyaway, whose idea is it to run with wings around the lake? Harry’s p. 202
In Flyaway, what kind of poster is in Jack’s room? World Cup p. 210
In Flyaway, what does Isla see Jack do at the park? Kiss Jess p. 212
In Flyaway, what is Dad wearing in the family photo? Santa hat p. 216
In Flyaway, why do swans have such big hearts? To keep them flying for such a long migration p. 220
In Flyaway, what does Granddad’s couch smell like? Tomato soup p. 221
In Flyaway, where does Isla leave a note for Granddad? On the kitchen table
In Flyaway, why does Isla go so fast down the hill?  She lets off the brake and the wind acts like a sail p. 228
In Flyaway, what image is on Harry’s PJs? Ships p. 232
In Flyaway, where does Isla land? In the reeds by the lake p. 248
In Flyaway, what are the tubes called in Harry’s chest? Hickman lines p. 253
In Flyaway, how does the art class respond to Isla’s model? They mock it p. 268
In Flyaway, where does Mum park the car? Against a fence p. 276
In Flyaway, why did Granddad go outside (and find Isla)? He heard the swans p. 292
In Flyaway, how do Isla and Mum clean feathers? With stain remover and rags p. 304
In Flyaway, who blows up balloons for welcome décor? Jess (Jack’s girlfriend) p. 310
In Flyaway, how do they attach the swan wings to the wall? Hooks and masking tape p. 322
In Flyaway, what does Harry look like? An angel p. 323

In which book is bird flu mentioned? Flyaway by Lucy Christopher
In which book is a leather harness worn? Flyaway by Lucy Christopher
In which book is someone afraid of hospitals? Flyaway by Lucy Christopher
In which book is moldy broccoli eaten? Flyaway by Lucy Christopher
In which book is art class a place of humiliation? Flyaway by Lucy Christopher
In which book does someone fall into reeds? Flyaway by Lucy Christopher

In which book is there a fairies’ handshake? Flyaway by Lucy Christopher p. 139

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