
For the joy of reading

Friday, 28 October 2016

Among the Hidden Practice Questions

Practice Questions for Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson Haddix
Chapter 1
1. What scents were in Luke’s extra breath of fresh air? Clover/honeysuckle, p. 1
2. What was Luke holding in the backyard in the opening scene? A hoe, p. 1.
3. What type of soup is served in the opening scene? Tomato, p. 2.
4. How could Luke tell that trees were chopped down without looking out the window? The house was brighter, p. 3.
5. Why do Mark and Matthew grumble about the loss of woods?  They have to do Luke’s chores since he can’t go outside anymore, p. 4.
6. What is Luke’s body build? Small boned, softer looking, p. 4.
7. Where does Luke hide whenever there is a knock at the door?  Behind a door to the back stairs, p. 5
Chapter 2
1. What did Luke find out when he was six years old?  That he was against the law?  Six, p. 6.
2. What was on Luke’s 6th birthday cake? Raspberry jam, p. 7.
3. What special privileges does Luke get from Mom?  Sit on lap, told bedtime stories, p. 9.
4. What did Mrs. Garner want to have four of? Sons, p. 11
5. What would she have called a fourth boy? John, p. 11
Chapter 3
1. Where did Luke’s toy train come from?  It had been his dad’s and grandpa’s, p. 12.
2. Where is Luke’s bedroom? Attic, p. 13.
3. What type of bed does Luke have? Brass, p. 13.
4. What game does Mark ask Luke to play? Checkers, p. 14.  
5. Why do Luke’s model cars bother him? He’s never been in a real car and never will be, p. 15.
6. How does Luke see outside when he must stay away from the window? Attic vent, p. 16.
7. What crop is in the field beyond the road? Corn, p. 16.
8. Who was the only human Luke had seen besides his immediate family? A tramp, p. 17.
9. Why does Luke get dizzy watching construction workers? In books people stay still, p. 17.
10. Who says, “You’re a trooper”? Luke’s mom, p. 18.
Chapter 4
1. What is for breakfast the first time Luke eats on the bottom step? Bacon and scrambled eggs, p. 20.
2. Why does Dad not want to pull the shades on hot days? Makes people suspicious why the windows are not open, p. 21.
3. What hours do the men work in the back of Luke’s house? Sunup to sundown, p. 22.
Chapter 5
1. Why does Luke feel isolated eating on the bottom step? Can’t hear to join in talking, p. 23.
2. Where is the Garner’s mailbox? 1 mile away at the crossroads, p. 23.
3. How many mailboxes are at the crossroads? 3, p. 23
4. What does Mother do whenever a letter comes from relatives? Drops everything, p. 23.
5. Why do the Garner’s have to get rid of hogs? New houses will dislike pig smell, p. 25.
6. What seal is on the thick envelope? Department of Human Habitation, p.  24.
Chapter 6
1. What arrives 2 weeks after the notice about the pigs? Tax bill, p. 27
2. Where are most of the pigs going? Slaughterhouse, p. 27
3. Who are the nearest neighbours? The Willikers, p. 28.
4. How had Luke always pictured the Willikers? Monster scales and fierce claws, p. 28.
5. Why have the taxes been raised? The fancy houses make their land worth more, p. 28
6. Who said, “I got my work permit today”? Mrs. Garner, p. 29
Chapter 7
1. Where does mother have to be at 7 am? The factory, p. 30
2. How do the new houses compare to the Garner’s house? Size of house and barn put together, p. 30.
3. Who will move into the mansions? Barons, p. 31.
4. How does Dad refer to Barons? With curse words, p. 31
5. What do Luke’s brothers call sissy clothes? Shiny shoes and clean dressy pants and jackets, p. 31.
6. What subjects had Luke’s mom taught him? Reading and math, p. 32.
7. What is “Diseases of the Porcine Species”? A book in Luke’s house, p. 32.
8. What does Dad make for lunch when Mom is at work? 2 sandwiches, p. 33.
9. What does Dad listen to on the radio at lunch? Noon farm report, p. 33. 
10. What games did Luke used to play in the backyard? Kickball, football or spud, p. 34.
11. What kind of factory does Mrs. Garner work in? Chicken processing, p. 34.
12. How old is Luke when he doesn’t want to be tucked in anymore? Twelve, p. 35. 
Chapter 8
1. Where is Dad going to the auction? Chytlesville, p. 36.
2. How does Luke surprise Mom when home alone? Clean kitchen/bake bread, p. 37.
3. How many cars does the Big Car family have? 4, p. 37.
4. Why does Luke give the nickname “Bird Brain Family”? They have 30 birdhouses in the wrong season, p. 37.
5. Who lives in the Sports Family home? Two teen boys and parents, p. 37.
6. What do the Baron women without jobs do? Go shopping, p. 38.
7. How many people in all live in the mansions? 28, p. 38.
8. Where does Luke see the face of a third child? In the window of Sports Family, p. 41.
Chapter 9
1. What do the Sports Family boys drive? A jeep, p. 42.
Chapter 10
1. How are Luke’s loaves of bread displayed? On a special china plate, p. 45.
2. How does Mark react to Luke’s having made bread? He says, “Yuck”, p. 46.
3. What does Luke joke about putting in the bread? Special poison for 14 year olds, p. 46.
4. What’s wrong with the bread? Lopsided, dry and tasteless, p. 47.
Chapter 11
1. What does Luke mean by “the 13th day”? 13th day after seeing face in the window, p. 49.
2. What does Luke notice about the Sport Family house? Thick blinds, p. 48; Lights on, p. 50; Glow of TV screen, p. 50.
Chapter 12
1. What is the back entrance of the Sport Family house? A sliding glass door, p. 52.
2. In which month does it rain three days in a row? October, p. 52.
3. Why does Luke care about the leaves on the maple tree? They will hide him when he goes outside, p. 53.
Chapter 13
1. What does Luke hear his mother say in his head? Luke. Inside. Now., p. 55.
Chapter 14 
1. What does Luke do when the screen door is locked? He breaks it to unlock it from the inside, p. 56.
2. What colour are the couch and chairs at Luke’s house? Brownish gray (faded), p. 57.
3. What three noises does Luke hear in the Sport Family house? Cough, beeping, buzz, p. 57. 
4. How does the girl greet Luke? She knocks him down, p. 58.
5. What two words make the girl let go of Luke? “Population Police”, p. 59.
Chapter 15
1. What does the girl call Luke? A shadow child, p. 60. 
2. What law did Luke’s parents break? Population Law 3903, p. 60.
3. Who does the girl call on the phone after deactivating the alarm? Her dad, p. 61.
4. Which book character does Luke feel baffled as? Alice in Wonderland, p. 63.
5. What is Jen Talbot’s middle name? Rose, p. 63. 
6. What are Luke’s parents’ names? Edna and Harlan, p. 63.
7. How is it Jen has more freedoms than Luke? Her parents have money, use bribes, p. 64.
Chapter 16
1. How can Jen see out the window without showing her face? Special mirrors, p. 67.
2. What does Jen suggest as a signal? Flashlight, p. 67.
3. How old is Jen? 13, p. 69.
4. How does Jen say is the worst for breaking laws? Government leaders, p. 72.
5. What stained the white carpet? 3 pinpoints of blood, p. 73.
6. How will Jen explain the blood on the carpet? Cuts her own wrist in screen, p. 73.
Chapter 17
1. Where does Jen hide when she goes shopping? Hollowed-out back seat, p. 76.
2. Who does the shopping pass say Jen is? A niece, p. 77.
3. What does Jen’s mom want to buy her at the mall? A dress, p. 77. 
4. What did Brawn want to be when he grew up? A detective, p. 78.
5. Why is Luke surprised when offered soda and potato chips? They are illegal, p. 79.
6. Why is Jen surprised that Luke eats meat? Government forcing vegetarianism, p. 80.
7. What does Jen do with the information about feeding extra grain to hogs? Puts it on internet bulletin board, p. 82. 
8. Why was the population law made in the first place? Fear of lack of food, p. 82.
 Chapter 18
1. Which word does Carlos spell wrong in chat? Sarcastic, p. 85.
2. Who is a fourth child? Pat, p. 86.
3. What is the password to the chat room? FREE, p. 88
Chapter 19
1. What is the problem with the books Jen gives Luke? They have really big words, p. 90.
2. What is the card game that Luke and Dad play? Rummy, p. 91.
3. What is hydroponics? Growing things indoors without soil and under lights, p. 91.
4. Where did droughts strike? In the areas of the world that grew the most food, p. 92.
5. Who wrote the books Luke read? The government, p. 94.
6. Who wrote the articles Jen gave Luke? People trying to get the truth out, p. 94.
Chapter 20
1. Why is Dad not home on winter mornings? Looking into hydroponics in town, p. 95.
2. What would be the problem for Carlos if his fake ID said John Smith? He would have to fake being an Anglo (instead of Spanish background), p. 96.
3. When is Jen planning to hold the rally? April, p. 99.
Chapter 21
1. Why is Dad told he may not use hydroponics? They are often used to grow illegal drugs, p. 100.
2. How does Dad think it might be OK? If he got a permit, p. 101.
3. Why does Jen think her parents won’t mind that she made a mess in the kitchen baking cookies? They will be thrilled she did something girlish, p. 102.
4. What had the pet dog been called that Dad had as a boy? Bootsy, p. 105.
5. The cat? Stripe, p. 105.
6. Why does Jen say the population will be cut in half? Women have been taught it is bad to have babies, p. 104.
7. How many months before a pig gives birth? 4 months, p. 104.
8. What sport has Mark gotten crazy about? Baseball, p. 106.
Chapter 22
1. How will Jen get to the rally? Drive her parent’s car, p. 107.
2. Why does Jen keep her papers about the rally under the couch? The maid doesn’t clean there, p. 109.
3. How long is the drive to the capital city? Eight hours, p. 110.
4. How many kids does Jen to come to the President’s house? Thousands, p. 109.
5. What does Jen say when Luke makes it clear he won’t go to the rally? You can leave now, p. 112.
Chapter 23 
1. What does Luke’s anger at Jen turn into? Fear, p. 114.
Chapter 24
1. What sound startles Luke in the middle of the night? Creaking board, p. 116.
2. How does Jen come into Luke’s house? Doors are unlocked, p.117.
3. Why does Jen come into Luke’s house? To say sorry and goodbye, p. 118.
Chapter 25
1. What had Jen left on the stairs? Mud, p. 119.
2. How does Luke try to find out about the rally? Radio, p. 119-120.
3. What nervous habits does Luke develop wondering what happened to Jen? Chew fingernails, pacing, p. 121.
Chapter 26
1. How long after the rally does Luke go to Jen’s house? A week and a half, p. 122.
2. How many buttons does Luke push to turn off the alarm? Seven, p. 122.
3. Why does Luke type in the password of the chat room three times? Spelled it wrong, p. 123.
4. What question does he type in? Where’s Jen?, p. 123.
5. What does the booming voice say he has? A gun, p. 124.
Chapter 27
1. What type of gun is it? Small, not for hunting, p. 125.
2. When Jen’s dad says, “So Jen was so careless”, how does Luke answer? “No, I was observant, p. 126.
3. How does Jen’s dad know the alarm went off? He is automatically notified, p. 127.
4. What does Luke say stopping Jen is like? Stopping the sun, p. 127.
5. What does Luke not understand about Jen? Her willingness to sacrifice herself to help others, p. 129.
6. Who is monitoring the chat room? Population Police, p. 130.
7. Who does Jen’s dad work for? Population Police, p. 131.
8. What does Jen’s dad offer to give Luke? Fake ID, p.131.
Chapter 28
1. What does Luke do when he realizes Jen’s dad works for the Population Police? Screams and gets his gun, p. 132.
2. What is the truth about the population? Nobody knows, p. 134.
3. Who is the president? General Sherwood, p. 135.
4. What is the connection between government and barons? Only barons work in the government, p. 136.
Chapter 29
1. Where does Jen’s dad tell Luke to hide? Secret door in back of closet, p. 138.
2. What is worth 12, 000 dollars at the Talbot’s house? The front door, p. 138.
3. What is the first name of Mr. Talbot? George, p. 138.
4. What does George pretend caused him to delay in opening the door? Going to the bathroom, p. 139.
5. Who does George claim typed “Where’s Jen”? Himself as an undercover agent, p. 139.
6. When the closet door opens, where does Luke hide? Under a blanket, p. 141.
7. What does George threaten to do to the men who barged into his house? Sue them, p. 141.
8. Why does George clamp his hand over Luke’s mouth? The house is bugged, p. 142.
9. How did George bribe the police? With fur coats in the closet, p. 143.
10. What is Luke’s first reply to fake ID? Wants to think about it, p. 144.
11. Why does Luke decide to say yes to fake ID? Thinks he can help solve problems, make things better somehow, p. 146.
Chapter 30
1. How did Lee Grant get to the Garner’s house? He had run away from home, p. 147.
2. What is in Lee’s suitcase? Fancy Baron clothes, p. 147.
3. Why is Jen’s dad proof of Luke’s new identity? He can keep the same initials, p. 148.
4. What is donated the same way as people once donated hearts and kidneys? Name/Identity, p. 148.
5. Where would Luke be taken? To a private boarding school, p. 148.
6. Which of Luke’s parents is the more willing to let him go with fake ID? Dad, p. 150.
7. What vegetable had Luke grown as long as his arm? Zucchini, p.150. 
8. What is the name of the boarding school? Hendricks School for Boys, p. 151.
9. What does Luke whisper that will be named after Jen someday? Holidays, p. 153.

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